
Monday, August 17, 2009

~ The Giveaway I Won ~

I won my first giveaway a couple of weeks ago, given by Melissa from Melissa's Heart and Home. She was celebrating her birthday and giving away two gifts ~ how cool was that?

I recently received the package with each item very neatly and nicely wrapped, with a notecard right on top.

I took each item very carefully out and put them on my kitchen table.

Here is Melissa's lovely note ~ love the way she wrote it and the color!

Love, love, love everything! The blessing plaque will have a spot in our new home when we move. I love the strawberry salt and pepper shakers as a nice change for summer from my regular shakers.

The picture frame matches my master bedroom! Good thing I'm looking to paint that same color when we move! I can see that frame holding a picture of hubby and I.

So, there you have it. Just thought I'd share the lovely giveaway that Melissa offered up for her birthday! Thank you so much, Melissa! I love everything!


  1. Kathy how sweet of you to post this! What a sweet surprise.

    I'm just thrilled that you won and are enjoying your nice goodies!

    Have a wonderful week,
    ~Melissa :)

  2. Thanks again, Melissa! You put together a nice giveaway here.


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy