
Friday, October 2, 2009

~ Frugalicious Friday {Wall Clock} ~

Jane, over at Finding Fabulous, is hosting her first blog party ~ Frugalicious Finds! I am joining in with this post on a fairly recent find.

I love the clocks Ballard Designs carries {I love everything Ballard Designs carries}. However, those over-sized decorative clocks are out of my budget ~ for a clock.

Ballard Designs, reg. $299., on sale $249.

Ballard Designs, reg. $229., on sale $199.

So I use my fall-back stores like Home Goods and JC Penney to find similar at a Kathy Passarette price.

I found this clock, which was originally $100.00 at JC Penney {and in the catalog for $49.99} for $39.99 online at their website.

{Sorry the picture is so small, but you can't save the picture when you click on the larger view}.

I think the second clock from Ballard's that I have pictured is the most similar. And guess what? JC Penney still has it! Online, $39.99!


  1. I'm wondering who would actually pay that much for a CLOCK? Obviously no one in my circle. : )

    You did good, chickie! It looks so much like the Ballard one!

  2. Fantastic! My sister is looking for one and has had me on the lookout for her. I will pass it on.

  3. Wow, great job in finding one that is almost a perfect match. ;)

  4. Jane @ Finding FabulousOctober 2, 2009 at 12:50 PM

    Wow...that clock is super cute, and strikingly similar to the Ballard design...gotta love a great find like that! Thanks for joining Frugalicious Friday Kathy...Happy Friday! :) I'm off to check out the deals at JC Penny on-line!

  5. That is a fantastic find! They look so similar.

  6. Awesome! So many great similar expensive items to be found at JCP. I love visiting their site once I've spotted something I love...and usually find something so similar for a way better deal!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Love your clock, and the price was fabulous.

  8. I don't know, Heathahlee, but it's not going to be me! Thank you!

    Absolutely, Beth! I always look to JC Penney for things like this {even for my clients!}.

    Thanks, Marie! I didn't realize just how close until I was putting this post together!

  9. This is great fun, Jane! Glad you thought of this. I can do frugalicious because I buy more than I make, and I'm always looking for the cheapest price I can get something for.

    Thanks, Laurel! I can't wait to hang it!

    Hi Roeshel! Thanks! I always find stuff there {online} and when it's not on sale I am very patient ~ I'll wait. I got most of the items I "really wanted" from them by waiting for it to come up on clearance or outlet.

    Thank you, Happy Nester! I was really pleased, myself! As soon as I saw the price I got that order in as soon as possible!

  10. Hi Kathy! I have to say DITO to everything you said...and I love that clock!!! I'm going to check it out...I have a clock addiction... ;) Nancy

  11. Great find! Love the clock and the fact that you found it for so much less. I think people forget about JCP sometimes, but it's a great place to check out. Hope you have a great weekend!
    pk @ room remix

  12. I think JC Penny has some great things and you found one of them! A great clock!

  13. Great find!! Usually if you're patient and willing to take the time to search, you can find pieces you love at a great price :-)

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  14. Hi Kathy! Thanks for joining my blog and for your kind comments! I am very new to blogging and am having the best time meeting all of you fun and inspirational ladies! Just wanted to say hello, and your blog is lovely, and I am another of your followers now! Have a great weekend.

  15. Thanks,PK! Sometimes when I mention JC Penney eyebrows get raised. I think you're right, they are not often considered when looking for accessories.

    Thank you, Lisa! I love checking out what JC Penney has.

    Thanks, Kelly! I will definitely check out that Snag It!

    Thanks, Joyce! Glad I found your blog as well. It is worth taking the time to click on someone's comment and follow the links to their blog.

  16. Oops, sorry Nancy ~ almost missed you! Thank you! I wouldn't be surprised if they sell out this weekend!

  17. I love that you found essentially the same clock at JCP. What a find! But then you interior decorators are good at scouting out those sorts of deals, aren't you?

  18. I LOVE your clock... what a steal... that is my strongest weakness... and I need a new one for my kitchen... off to JCP website... thanks for sharing

  19. @Controlling My Chaos ~ Sometimes it's just being at the right online source at the right time! : )

    @ Proper Prim ~ I love these decorative clocks. I have seen so many that I just love, but, of course, I have no place to put half a dozen decorative wall clocks!


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy