
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Time For Some Eye Candy!

I came across the bookcase pictured above in a magazine ad, which led me to a website for a company called Grange. The following pictures are from their website and are just so striking.

Grange is a leading French furniture manufacturer dating back to 1904.

Some of these pictures reminded me of furniture pieces that I have seen many of our talented bloggy friends transform. I'm sure a promising Goodwill or thrift store find {even something off the curb} could be transformed in a budget friendly way to something like these.

I know that I've seen dressers with these same lines transformed by some creative DIYers; Donna at Decorated House is one.

This red piece reminds me of something Miss Mustard Seed or Kim of Twice Remembered would have.

This room below I just love! Even without an area rug, I think it looks quite comfy. This room looks like it is perfect for today's family ~ a place to watch TV, entertain, read, work on your laptop. . .

This piece below made me think of Rhoda at Southern Hospitality and her beadboard wallpaper project. I'll bet you could take a paintable wallpaper and insert it into a piece that has similar lines as this one.

How many china cabinets have we seen redone? This piece made me think of all the beauties I have seen.

This next piece I thought of Jennifer at The Old Painted Cottage and her dining room.


  1. Kathy,
    All this delicious pictures make me wanna go digging for another piece to redo!

  2. Great photos with lots of terrific ideas for transforming furniture into something special.

  3. Beautiful images Kathy. I love the third image of the buffet with the harlequin patterns.

    I have just purchased a used dresser that has the same lines as this. I can't wait to get started on it's transformation.

    I will definitely check out Grange for some inspiration!

    Thank you so much for sharing. Have a wonderful day ...

  4. I love those imaages, Kathy! I've never done a piece of furniture, but I so want to!

  5. LOVE all the eye candy you show us!!!

  6. What wonderful ideas!! I LOVE to transform furniture whether stripping old paint, making it from scratch, or repurposing it. Now I have some more great ideas! Thanks for coming by!

  7. Wow, they are all just gorgeous. What awesome ideas. Hugs, Marty

  8. kathy you have a lovely blog... glad to have found you.. pam

  9. Great ideals, lots of wonderful eye candy. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Gorgeous furniture! I recently purchased a couple of small tables at a garage sale and I'm going to make a trial run at transforming the tables into one of the beautiful pieces I see on my favorite blogs. These are going to be after the holiday projects. Thanks for the inspiration photos.

  11. I love the bookcase! It's such a great solution for a big screen tv. You hardly notice it because of the dark wood. I really had to look closely to see there was a TV there. Great design trick! Also, that red & natural stained piece of furniture is so inspiring to me! I'll have to try one like that. Thanks, Kathy!

  12. great post and I will be checking out this website. Thanks

  13. I had heard of Grange before but hadn't looked at their site for years. These are great images, and I like the way you related them to more eye candy from your fellow bloggers!

    pk @ Room Remix


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy