
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It Just Needs A Little Something ~ Christmas Decorating

Sometimes you have a spot in your home that "just needs a little something" to add that holiday touch. Sometimes you have to add in some decoration where you can, because whatever is in that room on a daily basis needs to stay.

I found these pictures that show how you can add a little something that says "it's the holidays" without having to rearrange everything already existing in certain areas of your home. Like the picture above. All the items are placed on a tray, which is not taking up much room at all, but makes for a lovely holiday vignette.

Or what about these ornaments in a bowl with some beaded garland. Most of us have bowls we could use. With a sleeve or two of ornaments and some garland from the dollar store you've got an instant holiday piece.

Here you just have a green garland and some small trees tucked into a hutch {which happens to work wonderfully with these dishes}.

A small red tote hanging on the house with some fresh greens. All the better if you can collect the greens from your own yard.

How simple is this and yet it looks great!

Presents and a couple of little trees mixed in the china cabinet. I love the way this looks.

Again, so simple with a garland across the top of the hutch and a line of pinecones ~ a very natural looking decor.

Some small wreaths and a couple of ornaments ~ it says that it's the holiday without overwhelming you.

It's okay not to lavishly decorate every area of your home or, for that matter, any area of your home. These very subtle decorations still give you a holiday feel. I've done a few little things like this myself this year {to be shared when the Christmas linky parties start}, and I have to tell you that it's nice to set one or two things in a room and say, "this room's done".

{All images from Country Living}


  1. Gorgeous ideas, Kathy! I just want those red & white dishes! Hope you have a beautifully decorated day!

  2. What gorgeous pictures and such great ideas for adding just a touch of Christmas. Love the ideas. Hugs, Marty

  3. So pretty! Love the ornaments in the bowls. I have actually done this this year! The presents on the shelves I love too!

    Lou Cinda :)

  4. Little touches at Christmas really do make every room special.

  5. The garland with a couple ornaments strung from it above the kitchen sink is fabulous! A perfect example that decorating doesn't have to be much to be wonderful...

  6. Great pictures, they are truly some wonderful ideas, have a wonderful week.

    .•:*¨¨*:•.Blessings*¨2 U 4¨**¨¨*the holidays .•:*¨¨*:•.


  7. You know... just this morning I was looking around my house trying to figure out what the little things were that are missing...I'm going to take a couple of these pictures home for inspiration!!!

    Thank You so much for sharing!!!
    ;-) Robelyn

  8. I love your ideas! The kitchen image with the green ornaments is one of my favorites.

  9. I love all of these ideas. I am always looking for simple ideas that just add so much and these clearly do that and for not much money. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Oh, thank you for this fun post! I especially love the last photo with those simple wreaths.

  11. Hi Kathy, great images. I really love the bowls overflowing with ornaments and the wreaths on the bookcases. Great ideas on decorating without changing it all up.


  12. Thanks so much for the ideas now I have to run around my home to see what I can do, on the cheap of course!
    I have done more decorating and redecorating since I started blogging, than ever before in my life.

    It sure is fun though!!!

  13. i love all of that - country living is my new fav magazine.

    {also saw that you are from LI - i grew up in oceanside}

  14. Hello Kathy~As fall came to a close I looked forward to winter (that's fast approaching), bringing a festive inspiration for trimming and baking. I love adding simple touches throughout the small recesses of my home.
    Don't you love the aroma that fills the air during this season?
    My cat also appreciates the evergreens and an occasional ping pong toss with my ornaments....

    Sweet Holiday Wishes,

  15. Hi Kathy,
    Thanks for the pretty eye candy! I'm off to decorate something, HO, HO, Ho!

  16. Love the sweet garland and ornaments hanging in the window! Thanks for sharing ideas.

  17. I loved those pictures. I agree that sometimes less is more....a few simple decorations say Christmas without overwhelming the room....perfect for rooms we don't want to totally redecorate. Thanks for posting the inspiration pics.

  18. I love the bowl of ornaments! I feel like when I do something like that it never turns out as beautiful! I love the pictures you pulled together!

  19. I love the one of the china cabinet with the little trees in the cups. Of course now I have to re-create for my corner cabinet which has been, as you said, missing a little something!

  20. I love the bowls of ornaments. That is such an easy way to decorate. Great inspiration!

  21. Such beautiful pictures! Thanks for the inspiration!

  22. LOVE these ideas! I have never thought to put a wreath over my china cabinet door, but the picture with the wreath over the hutch inspired me!

  23. Love these tasteful images dear Kathy. And what gorgeous really setting me into the holiday mood with this lovely post :-)

    Cheers: Evi

  24. Terrific inspiration Kathy and just what I needed to see this morning..
    thanks so much for making it easier for me to decorate my living room for the holiday.

  25. These are great! I need lots of little somethings.

  26. I also like simple statements that the holidays are here.

    Great photos with simple ideas.

  27. Oh, my, I love each and every picture you've posted! I wouldn't know where to choose if I had to pick just one idea the best.

    Thanks so much for compiling such great inspiration. I'll have to come back and copy and paste some of those pics when a get my 'puter back with it's new hard drive! ;o)

  28. Great post Kathy! I love the bowl with the ornaments, the large ornaments above the sink and the last photo with the white hutch and wreaths. Thanks for the inspiration...

    pk @ Room Remix

  29. Loved all the pictures, such great inspiration, yet not overdone. Thanks for sharing.

  30. My favorite is the green glass ornaments over the kitchen sink! I think I'll try that one this year!

    Hey, please add this post to the Holiday Blog Party at YHOB! It's perfect!



I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy