
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Book Blog ~ A Must Read

I love using books in my decorating, but I also love to read.  I was invited to visit a new blog last week called Bookend Diaries, where Kelly shares her reviews of existing and new books.  I was pleased to see that she talked about and reviewed a few books that are on my “must read” list.

Here are a couple on my list that Kelly talks about and reviews:

bookenddiaries.Alice I Have Been

bookenddiaries.The Queen's Dollmaker 

Here is one that I found on Kelly’s blog that I will be adding to my list, based on her review:

bookenddiaries.the girl that chased the moon

I’m always glad to hear others’ reviews and recommendations of a book, and Kelly’s blog will make it much easier for me to make a decision on whether or not I should purchase one I’ve been considering.

If you love to read, I encourage you to visit this new blogger and check out some of her recommendations and reviews. 


  1. Ohh.. thanks so much.. I just finished my book last night and was looking for a new read...

  2. Thanks Kathy! You just reminded me that I'll need to find some for vacation coming up! :) Going to check these/her blog out.

    Have a great weekend!


  3. I used to be an avid reader but not any more. I've been reading one book for TWO YEARS, LOL, how said is that!

    I am going to checkout the blog, perhaps it will motivate me to get back into reading . . in my SPARE time, LOL

    The Queen's Dollmake sounds intriguing . . . **wink**


  4. Thanks for the blog. I love to read a good book! Smiles...Tammy

  5. I ordered the Queens Dollmaker (used) from Amazon! Let's see how how long it'll take me to read it, LOL My reading "time" is when I'm lounging in the pool :)


  6. What a great idea for a blog. I love reading and wish I had more time for it, but I'm busy blogging and DIYing and raising two toddlers. Maybe some day. :)

  7. Kathy...thanks so much for coming by my Blog and visiting. Lovely to meet you!

    Your Blog is delightful and I am now following. Thank you so much for the link to the book reviews. I read constantly so this will be wonderful.

    LuLu Kellogg♥

  8. I've needed a few good recommendations . I'll check into the ones you posted.. thanks Kathy, you always come up with the best stuff..


  9. I love to read, I added this to my good reads book list. Now I am off to check out Kelly's blog. Your blog is so cute!

  10. Hi Kathy,
    Thanks for the link to her blog. I'll go check it out. Since I have been blogging so much I haven't taken the time to read a good book. I'm going to squeeze one in and slip over to the pool.


  11. Hi Kathy! Thanks for the recommendations on these books! I love to read but don't seem to find the time as much anymore.
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy