
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Color ~ It Used To Be So Easy


Do you remember when you were a kid and you got a new box of crayons?  I used to just open the box ~ whether it was a small box or that really big box that had it’s own sharpener in the back ~ and just look at all the colors.  


I liked to make sure none of the tips were broken and then I’d lift a color out {not all the way, because sometimes it was hard to get them back in their spot} to read the name of it.

IMG_7342_3925Do you remember how you had no problem picking yellow for the hair, green for a shirt, blue for pants, pink for a hair bow?   Maybe your polka dotted picture had purple and green; or your elephant was Salmon or Outrageous Orange.

IMG_7339_3924Somewhere along the line, someone might have said to you, “Why did you pick those colors?  They don’t go together!”.  Somewhere along the line, you believed them; and somewhere along the line, you fell back on beige or tan, black and white, or some other neutral color.  Somewhere along the line, you became afraid of color! 


I suggest you break out of that color fear and get back to your childhood crayon roots.  Challenge yourself and, as a baby step, go out and buy a decorative pillow or throw in a color that catches your eye, but that you are afraid to use.  Buy it!  Bring it home.  Put it in your favorite sitting area.  Color with it.


I look forward to buying that first coloring book and box of crayons for my granddaughter when the time comes.  And I won’t say to her, “Why are you using those colors?  They don’t go together!”. 



  1. Oh, what a sweetie she is! Everything is new to her, so many things to experience and learn and you'll get to see it all through her!

    So true, Kathy, we need to think outside the box, be adventurous!!!


  2. This post makes SO much sense. We were influenced by the colors of our crayons before others started to tell us what was right or wrong. Funny that you mentioned going out and buying something just for the color. Recently I saw a lavender colored throw that was SO soft and pretty and had to pass it up because it didn't match a thing in my house. That's sad. I bet it would have added a pop somewhere, or would have just been a pretty blanket for a nap. Rules...hate 'em!! ;-D

    What a pretty princess!! I bet you are just loving her to pieces!!


  3. Oh - she is so beautiful!!! I am so excited for you and your family!


  4. So true! I love to look at the pictures my kids color. THey pick what ever color they want and don't pay attention to the fact that grass is suppose to be green and skies are suppose to be blue.

  5. Kathy, what a great post, and how true! It's those designers who don't play it safe with color who often stand out, huh? My husband and I are considering selling our home and a realtor came by today. She loved the house, but in the "green" rooms (which is a color I love), she strongly recommends that we paint it ivory -- basically white because some people don't like green and, of course, you want your home to have an appeal to the largest audience. I just don't think I can do it.

    Your granddaughter's eyes are so bright and involved. She's such a tiny little angel. You lucky thing!

  6. Oh, she is a little doll!!! And I love your idea about color--it's so true!
    I hope you're having a great weekend.

  7. What a beautiful baby! Coloring books and crayons and so many arts and crafts projects to look forward to with you new grand daughter!

  8. Great post, Kathy! I absolutely LOVED, loved, coloring when I was kid. I took such great care of my crayons. Even as a grown-up coloring with my kids when they were little, I loved it. Relaxing . . . soothing. Mmm, I'm thinking I might need to go buy me some crayons and coloring book. It could be like therapy! ;o)

    I love color, but like you pointed out, sometimes I'm afraid because I'm thinking "it doesn't go". Maybe I should challenge myself like you've suggested.

    What a sweet little angle your new grandbaby is!!! Can't wait to see more pics of her.

    Have a great Sunday!

  9. I still hate crayons with no pointy tips! Looooove the photos of E!


  10. Oh, Kathy she is so very sweet! I was away this weekend and am now having serious withdrawals because I did not get to see my Chunky Monkey! I used to love coloring with my boys and cannot wait to do so with my grandson.

    Great post! It is so true about colors. I do not strictly abide by the "rules." If I see something I really like, I am not overly concerned that it does not match. I like to fill my home with things that appeal to me whether or not it fits into someone else’s idea of what should or should not go with a particular color scheme. I guess I am just a rebel that way!

    ~ Tracy

  11. Great post, i love colour and you are right, today we tend to shy away from what appeals for fear of what others might say .... I just adore all colours and try and use them all in my art when i feel a 'colour mood' come on. thanks for sharing this post and what a beautiful precious little one you have there
    hugs June xxxxx

  12. Oh Kathy the baby is precious!

    I do love my warm colors! I need to add many others too and try some variety. Love the crayon box idea as well. *Smiles*

  13. Coloring with my kiddos is one of my favorite things to do - I love that my kiddos pick the most random colors for their creations. They are always way more colorful than mine!


  14. Oh Kathy! She is absolutely beautiful!! You must be loving this! I wish I could just put my hands through the computer and hold her!

    While on bed rest I bought a couple of coloring books- so therapeutic and calming. My dad laughed and said it sure wasn't as colorful as I used to make it!

    Kathy- she is beautiful and you are a lucky grandmother!

  15. Oh my gosh! This post reminded me of my childhood. I still have some of my crayons. Is that sick or what?!


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy