
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Call For Photos!

First of all ~ Happy Thanksgiving!  I am going to be putting together an article geared towards holiday decorating and I thought it would be fun to get my bloggy friends involved.  Many articles need pictures to go with them; sometimes they are requested.

pink Christmas.bhg

Better Homes & Gardens

If you would be interested in allowing the use of one or two of your holiday pictures in my article, I would mention you and your blog, also giving credit for the picture.  The pictures would have to be available from a current or past post and you would need to give me a date you posted so I could find it easily.


Better Homes & Gardens

If I get a big response, I wouldn’t be able to use everyone.  So let’s say the first 6 people who leave a comment giving me the okay, with where to find their picture or pictures, I will use.  Of course, the pictures have to work for the article.  I am looking for good clear shots.  They can be of trees, wreaths, ornaments, tabletop vignettes, tablescapes, garlands, things along those lines.

We all know  my pictures leave a lot to be desired, so if you’d be interested, I’d love to mention you as a thank you.   I would let you know if and when the article gets picked up.  Plus, I thank you, in advance!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving my dear. I would be happy to accommodate your lovely post idea! I think any of my posts from the holiday decorating series would be perfect. Give me a few details and I will let you know which one I recommend.

  2. Great idea! Thanks for the opportunity to be included. I have a few articles on my blog from last year which can be found here under the "Holiday Decorating" section. Hope you find something you can use.

  3. Oh, how exciting!!!

    I don't think they'd want my pictures, LOL, nothing very exciting in my decor, but if you do a search of pink saturday christmas some photos will come up

    If they do, I have the originals and I can send you bigger ones.


  4. I'm in. Here's a link to my tiny gingerbread houses made out of real cake.... gingerbread cake.


  5. My blog post was last year so you can check out my pictures.

  6. Oh, Kathy, I'd be honored to participate in your Holiday Home Pics montage. I wish I had more of my house decorated for the Holidays, but I'd love to share pics from last year if it's not possible to get this year's works in. The link for my home's tour from last year (one of 3 posts!) is

    However, if it's going to be a little while before you put together your link event, I may have the house ready ;o) Can't wait to see what you put together with other's from blogland!

    Happy Turkey Day to you and your family!

  7. I don't think I posted any of my Christmas decorating pics on DesignTies last year, but I have some posted on my Facebook page. Plus I have loads of Christmas pictures on my computer.


  8. I have a picture of my Christmas Tree that I have just put up. If you go to my blog
    and scroll down the page you will see it. I have only started with the tree and there will be more to come in the next 2 weeks. I would love you to check it out. Kristie

  9. This is a neat idea Kathy. I didn't do much last year as far as decorating and posting, but I'm hoping to make up for that this year!
    If I get some of my ideas done this weekend (big 'if') I'll let you know!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours:)

  10. Hi Kathy, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comments. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    I see you have your 6 replies already, but if you ever want to use any of my photos from my blog, just let me know!

    Hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday today. :-)

  11. Just stopping by to say Happy Thanksgiving! Looks like you have enough photos but let me know if you need more.

  12. I'll be here waiting to see all the Christmas projects! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  13. How fun! I did quite a number of Christmas projects last year. I will be reposting some of them this week but otherwise you're welcome to scroll through the archives and take whatever picture you like.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  14. Hi Kathy,
    Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you're enjoying a nice time with your loved ones!
    Blessings, Cathy


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy