
Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Crafting Mojo Returns!

After months of not feeling motivated, I finally made something Friday night, which led to me making something, that I had planned since last Christmas, on Saturday.  Let’s hope I can keep this ball rolling because I’ve missed crafting.


I bought one of these 7 Gypsies Printer’s Trays last year after seeing this project.  This woman did a wonderful job putting hers together, even taking the pictures of her grandkids herself! 


Last month I saw this version when I discovered the blog of Angie of Echoes of Laughter.  She’s got some fantastic ideas!


I ordered my printer’s tray through Blue Moon Scrapbooking.  Fabulous place!  Their customer service is amazingly wonderful and if you order your scrapbook supplies online at all, I highly recommend them.


The most difficult thing about this project is picking out papers and embellishments to use!  I scrounged around through what I had at home already and, as Angie did with hers above, I laid everything out first to see how I liked the composition. 


My final touch was to add several Christmas ribbons tied off to the top handle.  I’m really pleased with the way it turned out!




Obviously, you are not limited to Christmas.  What a great gift idea and you could really personalize this to the recipient whether it’s baby pictures, a ski trip, a hobby or the family vacation. I may try some of the smaller sizes as gifts for next year.  I have included some pictures here of other completed printer’s tray projects I found online.




I apologize for the gap between posts, but I’ve been sick and am just starting to feel a little better. 

Linking up with

Holly Bloggy Christmas {Homemade Gifts} at Tatertots and Jello

All Things Merry & Bright at All Things House & Home

Weekend Wrap Up at Tatertots and Jello



  1. Glad you are feeling better. And I love what you made! Great color and paper choice. How fun to make something like that and lucky you that you have some sweet baby photos to work with. Very nice.

  2. Wow, Kathy, this turned out great!! I'm happy to hear you're feeling better and you got your crafting mojo back!!


  3. I've never seen these before but they are beautiful! Yours turned out so cute. So sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well and glad you're on the mend.

  4. I love what you've put together! What a beautiful and sentimental project - Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

  5. This is really beautiful, Kathy! SO personalized and it's adorable!...Christine

  6. Hi Kathy,
    I love your version and now I might have to make one for myself. My sister would probably love one with her new granddaughter's pictures.

    Thanks for the idea.


  7. These are wonderful Kathy!

    Good to hear you are feeling better.

  8. I've been feeling the same way all week - not sick but not motivated either. I love how this turned out. What a really great idea and I totally want to do one with the boys photos. I think they'll get a kick out of it! Feel better! xo, J

  9. A great gift idea! Hope you continue to feel better.

  10. Hi Kathy! So glad to hear you're feeling better and got the ole mojo back! ;o) I love how your printer's tray came out. I bought one this past summer at scrapbook convention and it's still waiting to be adorned. Seeing how fabulously yours came out and the great examples you've shared is getting me inspired to finally get going on mine!

  11. What a great project to get your crafting "mojo" back! Hope you continue to keep your motivation going.

  12. Too cute! I love all those projects. Ya'll are so creative!

  13. Personally, I can't tell that the mojo ever left you! You might not have felt crafty but you still created some pretty crafty and cute things! But this is adorable and your subject...well, she's just precious!

  14. Look at your baby girl!!! This project is adorable and so is she!!
    Here's to the return of your mojo! Cheers!!!

  15. Kathy that looks fantastic!!


  16. LOVE that project and those ideas are just incredible. This is one of the best projects I've seen lately.

  17. Hi Kathy,
    Oh this is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I just started seeing these last week online and think they are incredible--I LOVE yours!! And am sure glad that you are feeling better...and I love your Christmas store about the video camera...I remember the year we got a video camera and getting the pics for the first time...that Christmas sticks out in my mind so much!! I even remember everything we got--and we were so excited about the camera!

  18. Hi Kathy, It looks like you've picked up on your crafting skills again quite nicely. These are just gorgeous!!! I sometimes miss my crafting days too and think about trying again.

    I definitely LOL about "needing" the dishes! Even my husband is starting to tease me when he finds a stash of hidden dishes somewhere in our home! :) Is it a sickness?

    Speaking of which...sorry you have been under the weather. I have missed you.


  19. What a great looking project! So sweet.

  20. HI Kathy! I hope you are feeling 100% better. I love what you did. I've been away from blogging too. Had no motivation whatsoever. I'm glad to see you back:) God Bless.

  21. So pretty, I love it! What a fabulous gift it would make :)
    Hope your feeling better soon, I just got over the flu, no fun
    happy Tuesday

  22. That's precious! So festive. :) Thanks for saying hi! ;)

  23. So cute, Kathy! And if anyone understands about not posting all the time, it's me! : )

  24. This is the sweetest project. I love how it turned out! What a nice place you have here! I sure have enjoyed my visit!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  25. I love it Kathy!! It looks fabulous! You did an amazing job with the colours and everything!! I love how you tied the ribbons to the handle....wish I had thought of that! Hope you are feeling better! I have been staying away from the computer as I am trying to finish up some projects, but I came over to visit you tonight and I am so glad I did! Angie xo

  26. I love this project. I have never seen it before. It will definitively go into my ideabox for a later time as it would be neat to do for my family as gifts.
    I love how yours ended up and also how you incorporated other peoples projects into your blog to show us other ways to do it too.
    Thank you for sharing at Tatertots and Jello's Holly Bloggy.

  27. Hello! I found you at Tater Tots and Jello and I am loving your blog! I wanted to invite you to enter my $50 American Express giveaway and my link party that are both going on this week! Keep up the great blogging and happy holidays! -Dana


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy