
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chocolate Decor

While I’m working on this {and getting our tax stuff together}


I thought I’d share a delightful room with you that I came across today. 

chocolate room

A chocolate room!  Everything in this room is made out of chocolate {well, except for the mirror, I’m sure}.   This was put together by a sculptor who uses food as his medium.  It is in a mall in Lithuania.   Apparently, they have to keep a constant eye on it in case anyone tries to eat it!  {Go figure!} 



  1. Interesting Kathy! I wonder if you get thrown out for licking the walls! LOL!


  2. Mmm!!! They'd have a hard time keeping my away from that! Being on a "diet" for a couple weeks now has me craving sweets a bit. I'm drooling on my keyboard! LOL

  3. Oh Kathy, that rooms looks so yummy!!!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  4. Kathy.... Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting me. I'm now a big follower of you and will be back to visit many many more times. Thanks for the nice comments...I love them. I must study your blog... it looks so fantastic. So..I'm your newest follower and so glad that I've found you...or you found me..
    Your new friend....xoso Sandy O

  5. Can't wait to see the finished product on that shelf...and now I want chocolate. ; )

  6. That Chocolate room is amazing. But I really want to see what you do with that darling shelf you are working on!

  7. Yum! This room makes me want some chocolate.

  8. Wait what were you saying.....I was too busy gnawing on the chair! haha Happy Friday!

  9. YUM!!!! I want every room in my house to be made out of chocolate! Of course, that would end up requiring LOTS of redecorating on a fairly regular basis ;-)

  10. Oh my, that's so cool! I love all the browns but then I read it was all chocolate, unbelievable! A chocolate cat even!


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy