
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Making Towels ~ The Easy Way

Last week I shared the toweling fabric that I found on



I bought 2 yards of the red with white stripe and 3 yards of the natural with the rose stripe.  The toweling fabric has the sides already finished, which makes it great for different projects.  Here it is pre-washing laid out on my dining room table.  You can see that, just as is, it would make for a great table runner.  Finishing off the ends with ruffle, trim or even just folding it over and sewing it and it’s done!


I think I’m going to do a runner out of the neutral fabric with the rose stripe and a towel, since I got an extra yard of that fabric.


I decided to make towels with the red and I picked up ready made ruffle trim {cotton} at Joann’s and used it to finish off the ends of the toweling fabric.  I washed the fabric first and used an existing kitchen towel for size.  A little bit of sewing and they are done!  What a great idea for a house warming, hostess or Christmas gift!


Double ruffled these.


This is one of those times when I wish my 25 year old Singer had an embroidery function.  I may be asking for a new sewing machine for Christmas, so I’ll be looking for some bells and whistles!


On a related note, I came up with what I want to do to that little stool and I’m waiting on something I ordered for that.  I’m also going to go ahead and put that block fabric on the screen.  But, it’s on backorder! So that project looks like it will have to wait for a few weeks.  I’ll share each of those projects once they are done.



  1. Love the fabric! The red and ruffle hand towel is so pretty! And, I love the red striped one as well ... I know a runner will look wonderful. Bummer about the block fabric being on backorder ... all of these fun projects will keep you busy, though, while you wait for it to arrive! Have a great day, Becca

  2. I missed your post on that last week~ glad you did another! That fabric is cool, it'd make great tote bags:)
    Love your towels!

  3. A woman after my own heart, quick and easy projects that look wonderful!!!


  4. Love the neutral one - I'm heading over the that site right now. Thanks for mentioning it!

  5. Loving your towel fabric...those red towels you made a just too cute.

  6. I love the natural one with the rose stripe! I have a ton of hand-towels and I love them. I should really try to make some.

    And you're right, the would make a great gift. Maybe I can whip some up with matching potholders and an oven mitt for Mother's Day gifts.

  7. The ruffles are my favorite part! How cute!

  8. They are precious. I had some of that in my cart last week and forgot to go back and get it.... SNAP!

  9. I did not realize they had towel fabric! I have bought fabric there several times. Those are so pretty!! I have to get some too!

  10. Oh Kathy, I love how you added the double ruffle to the towel. Can't wait when you complete other projects .

    Enjoy your day,

  11. Ooooh the ruffles are just the perfect touch for the towels! I got the same red stripe one (to match the kitchen curtains) and found it's the perfect size for a table runner for our dining room table. I just have to do something with the edges.


  12. I just LOVE 'EM!!! When you first posted about that fabric, Kathy, I shot right over and put some in my shopping cart. Then I paused thinking "do I *really* need it?". So I was good and didn't buy. Darn! Now I'm wisihing I did! Great job!

    Also, thanks for stopping by and helping cheer me up on my last couple posts. I really, truly appreciate the kind words and support of my blogging friends :o)

  13. The fabric is so pretty and I ofcourse love love love the ruffles!



I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy