
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What Else I Found At The Thrift Store

While at the thrift store on Saturday, I was very excited to find a couple of pieces that caught my eye right away.  One was this chair.  I actually felt, dare I say it, giddy over finding this chair!


For $38.99 it was mine!  The seat and back fabric is vinyl and I will be changing that out to a script fabric that I got a few months ago {or something similar as the script on my fabric is quite large}.  I will also be painting it.  I’m thinking Heirloom White with a glaze.  It does look like it invites a MacKenzie-Childs look with all the detailing and those legs!  Kind of like this.


I don’t think I’d have the patience or steady hand to handle that though. 


The detailing is great and I checked to make sure nothing was loose and everything intact.   Look at those legs!


I was excited to find a chair with so much interest to it, but it is going to the bottom of the “to do” project list!  Au revoir for now chair!


Linking up with

Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays at Coastal Charm

Treasure Hunt Thursday at Blue Creek Home

Time Travel Thursday at Brambleberry Cottage

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway that is part of the 5th Annual Cottage Charm giveaway, running through May 29th!



  1. Great find! Can't wait to see what you do with it!


  2. I LOVE that chair!!! So lucky!!!

  3. That is just not possible. I seriously need some lessons in how to find the treasures. I went to our local GW to do a post (recently opened) but I couldn't find anything that inspired me enough to write the post! Looking forward to seeing what you do with the chair. Janell

  4. Hi Kathy! OH, what a wonderful chair! I want it! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Oh my!! What a find Kathy...gorgeous!! Can't wait to see them when you finish!

  6. What a great treasure! That's a beautiful chair and it will be a masterpiece when you finish it.

  7. I have never seen a chair with a heart shaped back like that. What a great find and such sexy legs on it too! LOL It will be beautiful when you're done with it!

  8. That chair is AMAZING! It is like nothing I have ever seen. I will have to say you find the best stuff at the Thrift Store! Have a lovely day!

  9. Oh my goodness, I can't wait until Thursday after THT to tell you how much I love love love this chair!!!!
    You are right a painterly look would be adorable, but it's shape is so wonderful a quiet finish will be stunning too!
    Can't wait to see how she turns out!

  10. What a beautiful chair. The back is so interesting and I love the carved legs. I can't wait to see how you transform it. Great find, for sure!

  11. I could totally see this chair in a fabulous Ballard Design fabric!! Heirloom White with a glaze will be perfect!


  12. Awwww, it's a chair fit for a queen. I'm anxious to see what your gonna do with it. The detail work is just beautiful!

    God bless ya and have a glorious day sweetie!

  13. Great vintage chairs... I love them. We are house hunting now. I cant wait until we are in the shop stage. I will have a blast finding treasures like these!

  14. Hi Kathy!
    What a great little chair with loads of character. I would have been happy too if I had found it!

    I'll be waiting patiently to see what you do with it.


  15. MUST paint it like don't need a steady hand, just some good painter's tape...and a gold krylon pen to cover any mistakes :-) If you find this chair missing, don't come to my house looking for it

  16. Hi Kathy~
    What fun lines that chair has! Just saying... paint me, paint me. :) It will be a fun project.

  17. Kathy, I can't wait to see how this lovely chair turns out. The legs are gorgeous!!!!
    I'll be looking for the re-do!

  18. Thanks for linking this beauty to Treasure Hunt Thursday. Alex was looking over my shoulder and saw the chair and she is crazy over it too!
    She called it Alice in Wonderland Chic!

  19. This is going to make a nice re-do! I need to find me some small script fabric- all I see is the large print! Visiting from Rhonda's.
    ~ Sue

  20. Be interesting to see what it does when it's project time arrives. Some nice trim, curves and all. Enjoyed my visit, over from Brambleberry Cottage Time Travel Thursday - Thanks, Jenn

  21. Hi - visiting from Blue Creek Home. This chair is fantastic! Can't wait to see what you do with it :-)

  22. Those are some sweet details on that chair!


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy