
Thursday, July 21, 2011

You May Be Following The Wrong Blue Creek Home Blog

A little public service announcement.  Our bloggy friend Rhonda of Blue Creek Home lost her domain for her blog and it was bought by someone else over the last weekend! If you follow Rhonda and are unaware of this, you are now following the wrong Blue Creek Home. 


To follow Rhonda’s new blog address, I unfollowed the current one in my blog roll {under “manage”} and then went to her new blog address and followed.  I tried to do it without unfollowing the original one and it would tell me I was already following Blue Creek Home.  Below is a snippet of Rhonda’s post regarding the matter.  I have linked to her new blog address within this post.

Find me at for now and please change your link address to the new blogspot address if you have my button, follow me, or have me saved to favorites/bookmark.
This has taken the wind out of my sails. I am trying to decide if it's time for a break so that I can focus 100% on little Mason and family. I will keep y'all updated.

Now back to your regularly scheduled blog reading!



  1. I just popped over there. This sounds exactly like what just happened over at the blog Bringing Pretty Back. Her name was bought out right from under her!

  2. This is so frustrating! I didn't realize that happened to Rhonda. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Kathy. I want to buy a domain name soon and this gives me valuable info. Poor Rhonda!

  3. oh my goodness....I didn't know this was possible! Poor thing!


  4. Hi Kathy, the blog world can be an ugly one, too..believe me the 'person' who took her blog name out from under her will pay one way or another..I think I got my reader changed to follower her new site..will see when Rhonda posts a new post.
    thanks for letting us know..


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy