
Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Little Bedside Pocket

I found a blog through another blog that showed one of these little bedside pockets.  I didn’t copy her, but it did remind me of one I made about 15 years ago.  Never would have thought to share it until I saw hers.  It’s not as pretty as I might make it today, but it worked {and still does} so I thought I’d share it now.  These are really easy to make even for beginning sewers and they use small amounts of fabric so it’s great for left-overs.


Our one spare bedroom is quite small and I have a daybed in there.  There is no room for side tables.  I had mounted lights to the wall, but there was no place for the television remote, some tissues or a book.


I came up with this pocket that fits under the mattress {which is what holds it in place}.  I have blue and yellow in this room and had enough of the toile and the stripe left over from other projects in the room to use for this.


I sewed two pieces of the toile, right sides together leaving an opening to turn it right side out.  I hemmed the striped fabric for the pocket.  Put those right sides together and just sew the two sides and bottom, leave the top open.  That is your pocket and you have “good” fabric sides showing all around.




Quite the little handy piece and it does work to hold all those things I mentioned, plus a water bottle!  You could even adapt this for a chair, where you might not be able to fit a side table.

Linking up with

Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps On The Porch

Air Your Laundry Friday at Freckled Laundry



  1. Hi Kathy,
    This is a great idea! I could use one myself. I'm always creating a mess on my side of the bed! LOL!

    Thanks for sharing. I hope the packing and moving is coming along well.


  2. Such a great idea. I love it. I would never have thought of that, but it would definitely be handy. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty

  3. Such a great idea!! My kids would love having those to keep their bedtime books in!


  4. What a great idea, Kathy!!!! I am so happy to see you!! I hope Irene didn't do any damage in your area!


  5. I love this idea...I think we all could use one! Your fabric is so pretty! Well done, Kathy!!


  6. Not only is it Lovely but it is so Practical as well... : ) Two VERY good combinations...

  7. This is something I could really use. I can never find the remote or my glasses!

  8. What a great idea, Kathy! I would never have thought of something to creative and convenient!

  9. Kathy, I love this bedside pocket! I think toile is timeless! Thank you for such a great tutorial! I hope your packing is going well. Moving is always a fun challenge! Good luck!

  10. Hi Kathy, Just found you from over at Isabella and Max Rooms. Looks like we're from the same neck of the woods! Glad to see that you and your family remained safe during the recent storm.

    Thanks for sharing the bedside pocket tutorial. Extra storage and organization is always a good thing!


  11. Very handy and perfect for your spot! Clever!
    xo Cathy

  12. Hi Kathy...

    What a GRAND idea, my friend! I have seen a few of these around at different times and think the idea of a little bed pocket is just genius! Girlfriend, who knew? I guess you should have put a patent on that baby! Hehe! I just adore any color, shape or form! The blue and yellow toile is so perfectly coordinates with your bed linens! Love it! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful bed pocket with well as the tutorial!

    I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for coming over and taking a peek at my new treasure finds! Enjoyed your visit and sweet note, my friend!

    Have a marvelous Monday!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  13. Very cute and handy. Love the fabric you used! I actually saw some of these for sale at TJX but I forget what they wanted for them.

  14. Hi Kathy,

    I just read the newest Blogazine over at Maggies blog and had to come over and say hello to you!!
    I love the bed pocket you have created!! It would really come in handy for all kinds of things, reading glasses, favorite book, a secret stash of cookies!!! ;)

    Loved your story about you and your sweet family.
    I wish you and your family many Blessings and much happiness in your move to Ohio.

    Hugs and smiles,


  15. Great idea. I needed this a couple years ago when I was renting the smallest room ever in San Francisco. I


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy