
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What A Mess!

This is what I worked on this weekend!



This is all the stuff from the attic.  And it’s not even a very big attic!  I have to sort through and toss or “yard sale” box it.  I didn’t think I’d have enough for a yard sale, but apparently, I do.


I have been ruthless! I’ve been throwing out papers left and right that I kept out of sentimental reasons but that sat in the attic for these past 20 years.  Except pictures; like this one of hubby and I at my bridal shower {were we ever this young!?}.


Next is the stuff from the storage in the basement.


Most of this is more recently used stuff, like Christmas decorations.  This has to be sorted through too, although I will probably be keeping most of it. 


Next comes the fun part {she said sarcastically}.  Wiping down, cleaning up and holding the actual yard sale. I’m not really a yard sale throwing person, so it won’t be an all day affair, that’s for sure.  Whatever doesn’t sell will be donated to Goodwill or another worthy cause.

Ending tomorrow is my giveaway for a rolled canvas print!



  1. Hey Kathy,
    You are making progress, that's for sure. Just getting everything out of the attic must have been a real chore. Wish I could come to your sale.

    Is your house still on the market?


  2. Kathy, you look the same!!!! It is amazing the things we have collected through the years! You don't realize it until you start going through the closet, drawers and for me even under the bed!!!

    LOL, every year I say I don't have enough for a GS, but it would appear I do, ha ha ha I had a garage sale Saturday and what didn't sell, I took to the Discovery Shop (cancer society).


  3. Purge, Purge and purge some more. Less stuff is more space which me a lot less stress. You never realize how much stress too much stuff sitting around gives you till it is all gone. I have been purging for almost a year now. It feels better and better everytime the trash can is filled up again.

  4. That must feel good to finally get rid of some of that stuff. I know we have a jam packed storage room that we plan to attack as soon as the weather cools down. It's way too hot in there right now to do anything! Keep at it!

  5. You go girl!! That is a lot of work! I need to do the same but I think I'm waiting until my son goes back to school so I can start in his room.
    Have a great day.

  6. Looks like a big job you have tackled. Maybe I could hire you to do mine when you are done, lol. My sympathy is with you. I love an organized, everything in it's place house, but I absolutely HATE doing yardsales. I am horrible! I usually end up donating everything or throwing it away just to get it out of my way and never mess with the mess of pricing and setting up for a yardsale. I will pray that you sell everything and make lots of money this weekend. Good luck!

  7. You're doing great Kathy! Feel the need for more - just come on over and continue with the stuff accumulated around here!
    xo Cathy

  8. Wow! You have been very busy gal! I have been too...doing some purging here and working on shop stuff! Keep up the good work! It is sooo satisfying when it is finished!!

  9. You are well on your way Kathy!! Yard sales are ALOT of trouble but so worth it in the end because you get rid of so much STUFF!!!

    Keep at it!!

    Lou Cinda

  10. Kathy I feel for ya lady! My in laws just finished doing this! They lived in their home for 42 years and just last week moved to a new house. They could not believe what all they had up in their attic. Thankfully they are done with moving and are trying to settle in their new home.

  11. Oh Kathy, you're on a roll! I'm not into having yard sales either but I love to go to them. Love the picture of you and your husband.

    Enjoy your day,

  12. wow! Are you moving? That looks like quite a task. I'd hate to think of what I would have to do in order to move. Just yesterday, I was trying to make a little more room in our garage so I just started taking yard sale worthy items (like an outgrown bike and some toys) and I put them in the alley. Sure enough..they quickly found new homes! Good luck!

  13. What a big job! I'm not a really a yard sale person either. Normally I just prefer to take it all to Goodwill (maybe that's why I'm lucky at finding stuff at Goodwill)!

  14. What a job! I don't know if I would ever survive a move and having to go through all the junk we've accumulated here for the past 18 years.

    Love the photo of you and hubby. So darn cute!

  15. WOW! I keep putting this one off day I am afraid that the rafters are going to fall in!


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy