
Friday, November 11, 2011

Around The House, A Review & A Giveaway

This Giveaway has ended.

It took me a little while but I finally figured out where to put the plates that I had in the living room at my old house.


There’s not much wall space here, so much of my wall décor is just sitting on the side.  I’ll see if my daughter wants some of it, otherwise it’s going to Goodwill.


There is more wall on this side of the window than the other, because of the fireplace. 


I finally found the rest of my lamps and the harps to them, so I was able to finish up my Frenchy dresser corner.  Night shot.


Daytime shot.  I’m trying out the brown and white transferware cups and saucers I just recently purchased from Nancy at Nancy’s Daily Dish here.  I need two more to fill this stand.


And, I’m liking that print I got from Hobby Lobby more and more as I live with it.  I went out and got the frame and an OOK kit to hang it up. 


So we’ll give it a go with this frame and see how it looks.  I had a great idea of what to add to the sides and I’m hoping to find “them” this week.  Hopefully, that will turn out as I’m imagining!


Now, onto the review.  A couple of weeks ago, I was contacted by Easy Canvas Prints about reviewing a wrapped canvas.  Of course, as a first time grandmother, I jumped at the chance to send in a picture of my little cutie!  I got an 11 x 14 wrapped canvas that I’m giving to my daughter as a gift. 


The ordering process was super easy and I got it quickly, too.  The canvas itself is beautiful!  The picture quality is amazing and I would highly recommend using Easy Canvas Prints, if you are thinking about getting a photo on canvas.  This would make such a great gift idea, especially with the holidays on the way.


They offer a variety of sizes, so there is one for every budget.  What grandparent wouldn’t love one of their grandchildren?  How about that family portrait you’ve been putting off?

Easy Canvas Prints has kindly sent me some gift cards that I am going to share with you, so you can get your own photo on canvas!  There will be two winners; each will receive $50.00 in gift cards to Easy Canvas Prints.  To enter this giveaway, just leave me a comment letting me know what you might choose for your canvas.   If you do not have a blog, you must leave me an email address for contact.

For additional entries, you can:

  • Blog or add this giveaway to your sidebar, come back and let me know in a separate comment;
  • Tweet about this giveaway, come back and let me know in a separate comment.

In addition, if you like Easy Canvas Prints on Facebook, they will give you 50% off your first order!  {Not an entry}.

This giveaway will end on November 16, 2011.  Winner must confirm within 48 hours of notification or a new winner will be selected.

This Giveaway has ended.

I received a free wrapped canvas to review for Easy Canvas Prints.



  1. The room is looking fantastic!

    What a darling girl!

  2. Looks fab Kathy! I love how your home is coming together and sooo quickly! You have the magic touch! Please enter me!:) I will post on my sidebar later today and come back and let ya know!

  3. Those black and white plates look perfect there! I love your topiary on your fireplace. I have been looking for some and yours is perfect.

    Wonderful giveaway. Please include me. I would probably have one of my pictures from France or Italy put on the canvas.

  4. Looking good Kathy. I like the stand you have for the teacups!!

  5. It all looks great, Kathy. Really coming together. I just love that dresser with the basket "drawers". I love my Canvas Print I did. They are a great company to deal with. I highly recommend them. I would love a GC to be able to create another work of art. ;o)

  6. Hey, Kathy! Your new home is really coming together beautifully! Of course we all knew it would! :) Love the little Frenchy dresser corner. That dresser is one of my favorites. Love those baskets!
    Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!

  7. Your living room looks very pulled together with the black and white accents! I love the dresser in that corner and how you have it accessorized. The baskets look so cute!

    I like the painting a lot. I have such a hard time deciding on artwork! I usually just move the same stuff around!!

    What a great the picture of your precious little guy! I'd love to frame something beachy for the lakehouse. Count me in!

    Have a great weekend, Kathy!


  8. I'm in awe at how quickly you've put your beautiful new home together. You just have such a creative touch even with the smallest of items. Your art looks fab in that frame and I cant imagine that spot without it now.

    this is a wonderful giveaway and I would love to be entered and will post it on my sidebar so folks can see..


  9. Your room is looking fantastic. I really like the plates. So pretty. Your little grand is adorable also. Hugs, Marty

  10. Your room looks fantastic. Love where you put the plates.

  11. I would love to get a canvas of a picture from my wedding with my husband and I!
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  12. Oh Cathy....everything is falling into place and looking wonderful! I am in love with the little brown and white transferware cups!


  13. Hi Kathy, Your home is looking beautiful! Love the frenchy cabinet with the baskets and the entire wall and tabletop vignette is gorgeous. Thanks for a great giveaway and I would like a picture of our recent trip to Greece put on canvas.

  14. Kathy, Your grandbaby is adorable! I am adding your giveaway to my sidebar.

  15. Everything is looking so nice in your home! Please enter me in your giveaway. I would probably have a picture of my daughter's cute puppy put on canvas.

  16. I still can't get over that dresser you made over with the baskets. It looks so, so pretty!


  17. I would choose a picture of my grandkids.
    Thank you for the chance!

  18. Hi there. I had to comment on your living room. I really love it, the plates are so cute!!

  19. Kathy, I LOVE your drapes! They caught my eye right away! I think everything you've done is looking so nice. THat dresser with the baskets is still one of my favorite furniture re-dos and THANK YOU for mentioning me in regards to the teacups. Don't you love those stands? I had a whole bunch of them when I had my shop and I kept several of them for use here and displays.

    I gotta say, that baby steals the show though!


  20. The room looks beautiful, and I love those plates. Did you try putting them under the arched window? Might make a great 'connection' between the two windows. You have some lovely things!

  21. Kathy, I love your home! It has come together beautifully! I adore the "Frenchy" corner! It is one of my favorites! You have done such an amazing job! I'm on my way to Facebook to like them! Thanks for providing this!

  22. Kathy, I just completed a post for your giveaway- Thanks for hosting this! I love this idea! I remember your French document canvas; I love it.

  23. Kathy, I put this on my Facebook page too. Thanks!

  24. I love the black and white, and I also love the canvas print. Gorgeous stuff, as always!

  25. Love all the black and white, Kathy. It's such a crisp combination. I know you are having fun decorating a new house. That little chest with the baskets is fabulous! Linda

  26. Your room looks beautiful. I would choose a picture of my grand babies and give it to my daughter for Christmas. Deb

  27. Love love LOVE you room, Kathy!
    The fabric on your window treatments is awesome. Loving every detail in the room.
    I also love the pink chair in your sidebar.... may I ask, who is the manufacturer?
    So sweet!

    P.S. I cannot believe you are a grandmother.... from your photo, I assumed you were MAYbe in your thirties!

  28. LOve all the black and white! Thanks for the chance to win.

  29. We are renting a house right now and right before we moved in, the owner painted our guest bathroom a very bright shade of navel orange! For the life of me, I couldn't think how to decorate it until I saw one of the pictures I took this summer while my kids were swimming in the backyard - a simple shot of a lone yellow rubber ducky on the edge of their bright blue and white swimming pool - I think it would be stunning as a canvas print hanging against that sea of bright orange! :D

  30. Kathy CONGRATS on reaching over 1000 followers lady!!! Now that is cause for a huge WHOOHOO!!!

  31. Your little granddaughter is so sweet Kathy! And I love the drapes you used in this room! That is a perfect spot for the plates...the whole room is looking wonderful! Angie xo

  32. I love brown transferware so looking forward to seeing the teacups you end up with. They look realy cute on the stand!
    Please enter me in the drawing!


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy