
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sneak Peek & A Giveaway

The giveaway has ended.

I had to put my sunroom panels on hold to get on with the panels I wanted to do in the guest bedroom.  My son is coming for Thanksgiving!  While I still need to finish up with a picture or two, and decide what I want to do on the bed wall, I’m pretty happy with the way this room is coming along.   Here is a sneak peek at the one drapery panel I finished in here.


I’ll have a more detailed post once I get the second one done.   I wanted to complete one to make sure it was going to come out the way I envisioned it. 

Meanwhile, I have a Shabby Apple giveaway to offer you!  It was hard to decide which of the options to choose but I’ve chosen the Izzie skirt.  If you hit the warmer climates during the Winter months, or even if you just wait until it’s warmer your way, I think this skirt works well for casual or work wear.  Shabby Apple also has quite a nice collection of women’s dresses.


To enter this giveaway you MUST like Shabby Apple on Facebook.  This is a required mandatory entry.   Please leave a comment letting me know you’ve done so.

You can also enter by:

  • Blogging or putting this giveaway on your sidebar, come back and let me know in a separate comment;
  • Tweeting about this giveaway, come back and let me know in a separate comment.

You can still enter if you do not have a blog, but you must leave an email address in your comment for contact.  Winner will be chosen via  This giveaway will end on November 22, 2011.  Winner will have 48 hours to confirm or another winner will be selected.

Giveaway has ended.

I have not received anything from Shabby Apple for hosting this giveaway.



  1. I like Shabby Apple on Facebook. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. I tweeted:!/BabyNeedsShews/status/137864750548783105

  3. You did a wonderful job on the panel, Kathy. You can really sew!! Wish I could! :-(

    What a great giveaway...the skirt is darling! I already follow Shabby Apple on Facebook.

    I know you are looking forward to your son coming...have a wonderful time!


  4. Not signing up for the giveaway but wanted you to know I popped by. I hope you have a wonderful time when your son gets home for the Holiday! xo Diana

  5. How exciting that your son is coming for Thanksgiving :o) I can only imagine how thrilled and excited you must be!?!?! Your panel is gorgeous!!!! I can't wait to see them all done.
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  6. Hi Kathy,
    OMG, I love the peek at your fabulous fabric. Can't wait to see the room all finished.


  7. Kathy, your panel looks so good! Also, I know you are excited about having your son home. May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Linda
    p.s. Love the red tote box in the previous post - so cute!

  8. Hello Kathy~I'm b-a-c-k to makin' my visits (finally)! I just wanted to take a minute at this season of renewed hope and gratitude to personally thank you for your visits and kind words, especially with the loss of my kitty Angel. I wish I could convey to you how much your continued friendship means to me. You've always been so generous to share a big part of your talents through your wonderful posts. I look forward to each and every visit.

    I decorated my sons room in the same chocolate brown and steal blue colors. He like so much he took the bedding with him to college.

    Sweet wishes,

    Sweet Wishes,

  9. I liked Shabby Apple on facebook! this is such a cute skirt!

  10. Hi Kathy,

    Got your sweet note! So glad you like the teacup.
    I like Shabby Apple on FB but really just popped by to say hi!


  11. Ooh that shirt would be so flattering!

    Facebook Fan :) I'm doing a Shabby Apple giveaway next week, but I want to win one for myself!!

  12. How exciting that your son is coming for Thanksgiving. I love the sneak peek of the drapery panel! Can't wait to see more.

  13. I like Shabby Apple on Facebook


  14. I like Shabby Apple on Facebook (liz t. n.)
    wilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom

  15. I like Shabby Apple on FB! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  16. I like Shabby Apple on Facebook.

    daisysmom2002 at yahoo dot com

  17. I like shabby apple on Facebook


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy