
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Blog Crush

crush linky

I am joining in with Diane at In My Own Style’s linky party about a blog crush we have.   Although, mine is not a secret; I want everyone to meet her! 


Carolyn from Aiken House & Gardens!  I only started following Carolyn at the end of last year.  She has quickly become a favorite to visit with as I visibly relax, feel calm, and look forward to reading Carolyn’s posts when I see a new one pop up on my dashboard.

Carolyn lives in a most beautiful place called Prince Edward Island, Canada.   Her home and gardens are just lovely!


Recently, Carolyn has been doing quite a bit of ice skating on a pond on her property. 


Which leads into her setting up for tea afterwards.  She has some beautiful pieces of china and lays a really pretty table.


She has a guest cottage on her property that she decorates for Christmas.  I love it so much I want to live in it!



If you want to enjoy some beautiful pictures and feel like you are sitting down to tea with a friend, I would recommend a visit with Carolyn at Aiken House & Gardens!   She may even become your blog crush!

P.S. I set up the Linky Followers on my blog {down a bit on the side bar} just in case ~ so if you wouldn’t mind following me on that as well.  I’m signing up with the blogs I’m visiting as I go along, too.  Thank you!



  1. Carolyn is definately one of the very best crushes I have, too- she is a true "artiste" in every way.

    I told her once that her lovely photos of her world bring such tranquility for my day.......


  2. Oh goodness, I am headed over to visit, I love finding new blogs. Happy Valentines Day to you! Oh if you adopt your dress form be sure to blog about it! I would love to see it


  3. OMGoodness Kathy, I can see why you would have a blog crush on her lovely blog....beautiful! Thanks for introducing me to Carolyn's blog and Happy Valentine's Day, Gail

  4. She is one of my faves too. It's like flipping thru Victoria Magazine each new post!!

  5. She actually lives on PEI?? I've always wanted to visit there--ever since I was a 12-year-old girl and first fell in love with the Anne of Green Gables books. I've been to New Brunswick, but never to any of the other maritime provinces. What beauty there is on this continent and just off our shores!

    Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day, Kathy! May you be surrounded by people you love! :)

  6. Hi Kathy,
    The pictures of her home are lovely.
    I'm heading over to check out her blog right now.

    Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day.


  7. It is a lovely blog and I agree that the photos and styling is so pretty. I'm following on Linky now too.

  8. Hi Kathy,
    Thank you so much-I am very touched that you enjoy seeing the things I share on my blog.
    It was a real Valentine's Day treat to pop in and see my blog featured!

    Happy Valentin'es Day to you.


  9. Hi Kathy,

    Carolyn home is beautiful. I'm heading over now.


  10. Hey, Kathy! Thanks for sharing Carolyn with us! I'm going to hop over and visit her. Now following you on LF!

  11. Hi Kathy, I will go check out Carolyn's blog! The pictures you posted look beautiful...

    I read your comment this morning as I was about to leave out the door. I'm the same way...I think I have all the time in the world and before I know it Chase is home from school and it's time to start thinking about's just crazy. I am really working on organizing my time better.

    I hope you had a good Valentine's Day today! Kevin brought me home 6 yummy cupcakes and I tried some of every one of them. Needless to say I don't feel so good right belly hurts. =0

  12. Dropping by to say thank you for your kind comments on my blog.

    I can't wait to take a look into Carolyn's world.... the guest cottage is gorgeous!

    Joining as your newest follower...


  13. Now that is a pretty place. It's easy to see why you have a crush on her blog.

    I'm checking out the linky party next. Hope you had a lovely Valentines day.

  14. I'm anxious to visit Aiken House and Gardens.
    I'm a new Linky follower, Mary Alice

  15. I don't recall seeing that blog before. It certainly does look nice. I can see why you like it so much. I will have to go check it out!

  16. Oh, my, what beautiful pictures- I need to head over there and visit some more. I added you to my faves list on Linky, so hopefully all the bases are covered! :)

  17. I can see why you have a crush, Kathy. I just took a cruise around her blog. Beautiful.

  18. I have seen her beautiful posts...Prince Edward Island is on my list to visit...Hopefully this year...Such a place of beauty....Thank you for presenting her beautiful blog.
    One of my favorite teachers was named Carolyn Aiken..!

  19. Thanks for the introduction!! I'm going to go check out her blog.

  20. Thanks Kathy! I had planned on putting it on my front door at first. The flowers would probably need to be a little lower. I made it taller after I decided to hang it in the niche. I'm going to try to find some boxes soon.

  21. I found her blog a few years ago and I completely agree....her blog is so pretty! I just love her gardens and everything looks like it's out of Victoria Magazine. I haven't been to PEI since Tyler was a baby in 2001 when we went for a family vacation. Hunter has been a few times...when we go home to Nova Scotia, one of her best friend's family take her to PEI for a week with them! PEI is one of the prettiest places on earth! Angie xo

  22. Hi Kathy-

    Thanks so much for linking up to the Blog Crush party. XO I wanted to do the party so I could be introduced to some new blogs and so far I have found some ones that I have never been too :) I can see why you are crushing on Carolyn's blog.I have always wanted to visit PEI since watching all the Anne of Green Gables stories. Carolyn is your Kindred Spirit as Anne would say. :)

    My best- Diane

  23. What a great blog! I am going over to pay her a visit! You will see many comments from me on here this morning. I am behind and playing catch up! We have had alot of stuff going on at work and I have been extremely busy and unable to post or visit!

    More comments coming!

    Lou Cinda ;)


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy