
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunroom Valances

The sunroom valances are done enough to show.  Seven windows!  Keep in mind that I am not a professional and they are not perfect.  I am very happy with the outcome. Here is a picture of the sunroom without valances {and before we painted}. 


We have the top down/bottom up shades in here so privacy and light control were not an issue.  I just wanted to soften the windows up and add some fabric to the room.  I had found this linen fabric at Hobby Lobby.


You can read about what I did to embellish these valances here.  I wound up not leaving them straight across the bottom as I had originally shown when I did my first one.


Come in and see {before I move the baby’s things back in}!

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Sonya at Beyond the Screen Door was right.  She told me the straight lines might get to me!  So I lifted them up at points to make the bottom more scalloped.


I liked them so much better immediately!  I opened the shades up all the way so you could get a feel for the whole room.   Here are a couple of morning shots where you can see the sun hitting the beaded trim.

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The pictures below are afternoon shots.

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It’s not a lot of fabric, but it is enough to give this room a warm feeling, and the sun looks wonderful coming through the fabric and the beaded trim.

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Because it is like being in a fishbowl, I generally open the shades halfway ~ either from the top or the bottom depending on my mood.

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Here are a few close-ups to help answer any questions on what I did.   I did the pleats before I did the trims or button.

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I pinned up the bottom to make the scallops last {and they were an after thought, not part of my original plan}.

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I just need to add the covered buttons to a few and tack the scallops {which I can do while they are up}.  This is one project I am glad to be crossing off my list! 

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Linking up with

Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps On The Porch

Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House

Fall Into Fall at DIY by Design

Treasure Hunt Thurs. at From My Front Porch to Yours


  1. They turned out great Kathy. The perfect amount of softness for the room.

  2. Hi Kathy,
    I love your pretty valances. The fabric that you chose is perfect. Adds lots of nice softness to the room.


  3. Love the print, very similar to our bedroom curtains. The detail is perfect, love the buttons and the scalloping!

  4. For someone who says she doesn't sew they look professional to me.

  5. Kathy, love the valances...that fabric is gorgoeus! Gosh you make everything look so pretty.

  6. They look wonderful! Such a pretty fabric and so many windows. I just posted fabric I bought for our living room windows and pillows, but I only have a single window so not as much work as yours. They really are lovely.

  7. They really turned out pretty. You did a fantastic job. They really softened the room up. Great job!!


  8. Those are super Kathy! I love the fabric you chose too. Let's the room still feel light and bright and dresses up with the windows.

  9. Those turned out great. I'm sure they were alot of work. I love all of the detail you added with the buttons and trim. Really finishes off the room.

  10. Oh, Kathy - they turned o ut absolytely fantastic!

    I LOVE them - and they DO look incredibly professionally made!

    I think the scallop idea really works, too - that was good advice.

    Well done!

  11. Love that fabric! And I think adding the scallops was definitely the way to go. What a beautiful room!

  12. Kathy, they look fabulous!! I bet you are glad to be crossing them off your list but all your hard work has made for one beautiful windowing dressing....I love the fabric! Hope you have a wonderful day, Gail

  13. They look so pretty! I love the fabric. Your sunroom is gorgeous with all the windows.You did a great job on them.


  14. It changed the tone of the whole room - in a good way! It is really very lovely.

  15. They really look lovely in your home. Beautiful job! Megan

  16. Kathy, these are lovely! I love the attention to detail you added! You are very talented! Congrats on your feature at The Graphic's Fairy! Great job on all!

  17. That's a lot of windows! Good job they really look lovely (do love that you didn't keep them straight on the bottom).

  18. Hi Kathy~
    They look great. Really does soften the room, and add a touch of color and texture. It's such a great room to have to decorate. I like it with the baby things, too. :)

  19. Very nice! They do give the room some added warmth! I love the fabric you chose too!
    I have the same shades. We are too open to the road nearby and need that privacy. Those shades are great because they allow how much light you want in or out and the same with privacy. I have 6 windows in my room and the shades are at the halfway mark covering the windows 99% of the time!

  20. The scallops are charming. Very well done.

  21. That is a beautiful room, I love that you can raise the shades bottom up. The valances are gorgeous, and I agree that the scallops are the perfect touch, takes them to a new level. They look very "designer". Nice job!!

  22. They turned out great! The scallops are just right!

  23. Kathy....they are gorgeous!...Just love the style of them and the fabric pattern is so beautiful!...I know what you mean about the fish bowl...that is why I chose the lower portion of my windows to be covered....Your room has evolved beautifully!!...Great job Kathy!!

  24. Very nice. The valances add that extra finishing touch. Looks like you made pillows too. Very pretty and cozy. Blessings Paula

  25. Oh, Kathy, your valances turned out beautifully. I too love the scallops and what a difference they make. You did a great job!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  26. Done enough ??? They look done to me and they look great !!!

  27. Wow Kathy they look beautiful. Love the elegance and the added beads give it such a wonderful touch too. xo

  28. It's amazing how a little fabric can change the look and feel of a whole room. You did a fantastic job, Kathy. It's the perfect finishing touch.

  29. Kathy, They look fabulous and I love the fabric.

  30. I love it,Sonya was right I love the scallops and it really does soften and finish the whole room


  31. What a great choice for the room. The window treatments are so pretty, and that room - wow, I'd be in there all the time! Linda

  32. Kathy Your window treatments is so beautiful. I love the scalloped bottom.

  33. Nicely done! Love the fabric and how it compliments the room. Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy