
Friday, February 15, 2013

Keeping Warm

You might remember the boot socks/leg warmers I made for my daughter for Christmas. 

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I love the look of these and who couldn’t use a little extra warmth in the cold snaps we’ve been having across the country.  Here is the pair I made for myself.


I recently shared my Goodwill finds and mentioned that I also picked up some sweaters to upcycle into leg warmers/boot socks and some wrist warmers.   I’ve only made a few, but there was some interest in seeing them, plus they are going in my Etsy so I wanted to preview them here.


Brown with an ivory lace and three pearl buttons down the sides.

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Oatmeal colored with black lace around the top.

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Black wrist warmers with some very pretty cream ruffled lace trim.  A pretty button has been added to each side to “gather” them up a little. 

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I’m pretty sure the leg ones should be called leg warmers because they are open at the bottom and not closed like a sock, but I’ll refer to them both ways.  Until I see how they do and get some feedback, I’ll be keeping the pricing pretty low compared to those sold by others on Etsy.  I have a couple more waiting for some trim and buttons that I hope to work on this weekend, then I’ll have them all listed. 


  1. Love them all! The wrist one is so darn pretty!


  2. Dearest Kathy,
    Did you knit those or how are they made? Too bad they are not shown on a leg, for getting a better idea! If I dare to show off mine, | You certainly can do it!
    Hugs to you and happy weekend.

  3. Hi Kathy, Oh how wonderful your warmers are. Love them and the wrist warmers are just awesome. I know they will fly off the shelf in your shoppe.
    Happy Creating.
    Thank you for stopping by and your kind comment. Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  4. These are so pretty, and so creative. Perfect for those in really cold weather. Hugs, Marty

  5. these would make such a pretty accent,kathy! (your shop looks awesome)!

  6. Those are just darling- I bet they sell quickly! xo Diana

  7. Those are cute. I have a good friend who makes and sells them.

  8. They are all so pretty Kathy! I love the black wrist one. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Gail

  9. These are so cute, Kathy! What a great idea! I love the lace and buttons you added- very pretty!

  10. Those are super Kathy! I love the last one, lovely.

  11. You are a creative genius. YOU ARE! Oh my gosh! I would sooo wear these!

    If I didn't have my hubby to help me I could NEVER move into my place. NOT ON MY OWN anyway! Sure to be a busy day!

    Love to you~


  12. I can't believe you made those, Kathy! They are amazing. Do you sell them too? I would totally buy some from you.

  13. Those are adorable, Kathy! I'm sure you'll do well with those. Supercute! Happy Pink Saturday!! ♥♥♥ Lorraine

  14. I adore these. I bought a pair from a shop I found on etsy.i love the pink ones!!

  15. Absolutely, you are brilliant with upcycling in the most elegant way. Your platter is so lovely as well as these cuffs! My daughter was chosen to style the fashion magazine at OSU, and I will be sure and pass this idea on to her. Thanks for all you share1 E

  16. Cute! Heather has been on me for a year to make her some boot sock or leg warmers. I guess it's probably not gonna happen this year!

  17. It's too bad we still need things like this to keep us warm. I am so over winter weather and all the cold! brrr.... Hope your Valentine's dinner preparation went well and you and the hubs enjoyed a delicious dinner. Give me a ring- Thursday sounds good to get out and about. :-)

  18. These are beautiful. I especially love the ones peaking out of the coat sleeves. Very feminine.

  19. oooh the wrist ones are so Victoriana! Love them - very romantic!


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy