
Friday, June 21, 2013

Corralling Escaping Fabric

The Where Bloggers Create Linky Party over at My Desert Cottage is coming up in about a month’s time.  That’s my cue to start straightening things up in the craft/sewing room so I can take some pictures to share my space.  If you’ve never visited this blog party let me just tell you it is a wonderful way to get some inspiration and creative ideas for your own creative space ~ no matter how big or small.


I started in on a few updates shortly after last year’s party.  This was my fabric as of last year’s party.


One of the things I did to get this pile neater was find a bin I already had and call it into use for my fabric.  Only thing was I have so much fabric I needed two bins!  Since I had the one for several years, I knew chances of Michael’s having the exact same one were slim to none.  They didn’t, but they had one that was close enough.


Up until today, this was how it was looking.  Pretty sad, especially since I wanted to use up what I’ve got before bringing more into the house, but as a fabric addict that can be hard to do.  Plus, I’m a sucker for remnant bins and clearance sections! Unfortunately, I was losing track of what I had because I just put fabric on top of fabric.

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How much is too much fabric!  A clear out was in order. So I sat down on the floor in the sunroom and took all the fabrics out of the bins.

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I got to work going through it all.  There is a pile to donate {or go to my daughter}.  

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And a pile of “why was I keeping this?” to go in the garbage.

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I put the fabric back in the bins in a way so that I can see what I have at a glance now.  

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I think it is looking much better!


Next it is onto the bookcases!  I’m amazed sometimes that I can even find anything.


  1. YOur fabric looks wonderful, what a creative idea to turn it sideways. Love that. Hugs, Marty

  2. It must run in the family because I seem to be hoarding fabric too. And I'm not a huge sewing person like you and Mommy. I think I might join this party but I have A LOT of work to do organizing...


  3. I love the way you organized your fabric in those pretty containers!!...Looking forward to your bookcases! Have a great weekend!

  4. I've been taking some pictures of my spaces when I'm being creative..

  5. This is a great idea! I can't even get into my closet to look for a particular fabric. This would help tremendously to corral them in such a way to know what I actually have. Wanna' come help?! ;)

  6. I like the phrase 'organized chaos' around here!

  7. Doesn't it feel good to get yourself organized. That's a smart idea to store your fabric in the boxes so you can see it all at a glance.

  8. I already signed up for the party!! I look forward to it every year. Meet a fellow fabric addict..I got rid of a big garbage bag full when I redid my room.


  9. You're off to a good start, Kathy. Organizing is an ongoing thing for me.

  10. Hi Kathy, Is there something like too much fabric, lol? The neutral colors part of my fabric stash is a mess right now but I'm also motivated by Karen's party to clean up very soon.
    Your rabbit pillow and the apron are both so beautiful.

  11. It looks great Kathy! I like how you've folded the fabric so you can see what you have in those bins. I need to do something like that too. It's hard for me to pass up fabric (and I don't even sew)!

  12. Hi Kathy, your organizing is wonderful placing those fabrics in the bins like that. Great idea. I have to do the same thing with mine. I also will be back for the WBC party even though my blog is on a hiatus for now. See you there in a couple weeks.
    Have a great week.

  13. thanks for the reminder of the party, kathy! fabric is a nightmare for me--i just throw it all in a hamper! love how organized yours is:) have a great week!

  14. What a great job your did Kathy and they look so pretty in those bins. Sorry I have been MIA, read my blog.



I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy