
Monday, August 12, 2013

Pretty Frame Makeover


I found this pretty frame at a garage sale recently and decided to use it to make a magnetic memo board. 

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I have a few memo boards at my booth, but not magnetic, so I thought it would make a nice change.  I also have two chalkboards there, too, so we’ll see how a magnetic one does.  I took the picture out and painted the frame black using Maison Blanche Wrought Iron.  Using some wax gave it a bit of a sheen.

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Prior to waxing, I distressed it a little bit along the detailed area to allow some of the original color to show through.

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I then covered my metal piece with this black and white toile I bought from, using a heavy duty spray adhesive, and popped it into place.

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I use this fitting tool that I bought several years ago to put those “divet” pieces to hold the metal in place in the frame.  It has also come in handy for other framing projects that I’ve done.  

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A perfect piece for a desk area, craft or sewing room, kitchen, anywhere you want something pretty to hold some notes and reminders.

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Now that it’s done I want to keep it! 

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Linking up with

Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House

Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm

Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life

Be Inspired at Common Ground

Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage


  1. Oh it is really pretty, I like this one a lot. Great fabric and frame. Thanks also for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  2. It's beautiful, Kathy! You did a great job! Hugs,Julia

  3. That is so pretty and I never would have guessed it was a magnetic board. It's the prettiest one I've ever seen! If you don't keep it in sure someone will buy it right away! It would really liven up a college dorm. Wishing you a great week!
    Elizabeth @ Blue Clear Sky

  4. I love the black frame and the distressing that you did. The fabric is perfect! I have a piece of steel from my old job along with all the stuff to make a message board but I just haven't had the time to make it. Your post has inspired me! Maybe I'll finally start working on it today. ~ Jamie

  5. AWESOME job- love love love this, Kathy!

    If you do keep it I cannot blame you - but if you do put it in your shop it will sell fast, esp with early Christmas shoppers th inking ahead!

    Have a great week.

  6. Hi, Kathy. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my summer rain that porch swing! :) I love your magnetic board; I want to make a big one for our kitchen, so the timing of this was great. Any tips on the sheet metal to buy? Thanks for stopping by; it's always nice to hear from you. ~Zuni

  7. Hi Kathy,
    How pretty did this come out?!! I love this. Great job.

  8. That looks so great, Kathy! I love toile and think black and white is especially stunning.

  9. Hi Kathy, This turned out really pretty! Love the toile.

  10. This is so pretty. I love what you did with the frame.

  11. Kathy, what a pretty idea! I love it. You've given me some ideas for frames I have piled up in my basement. Your frame treatment and fabric choice are gorgeous!

  12. Kathy this is so pretty and my favorite fabric toile!!! This should sell in no time. Beautiful job.


  13. Love it! The black frame with the black toile is just stunning!

  14. I have never seen this tool before! Wow, it would really save time and make framing easier! Your frame is so cute now- a big improvement!

  15. Very pretty Kathy. I love all toile fabric and the b&w is a favorite.
    Love that tool you used too.


  16. Very pretty! You should keep it. And make me one - lol! =)


  17. Kathy, this is so pretty! I love the black and white toile. I can see why you want to keep it. It's beautiful!

  18. Ooh, I likey! :) I'm glad you mentioned the framing tool- I have been using glazing points, but they sometimes stick up past the back of the frame. I need one of these!

  19. The fabric is perfect for the frame! It is so beautiful.

  20. That just might be a keeper! LOVE it! Life to the full! Melissa

  21. This is a very elegant way to keep those bits of paper tidy and handy. Beautifully created. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  22. Kathy, this is such beautiful transformation of the frame. Great job!

  23. Kathy,
    I really like this idea!! I have a yellow and gray toile fabric somewhere that I could use for something like this!!
    Thanks so much for the inspiration and thanks for always stopping by!

  24. Thanks for this post, Kathy. I always wondered how they got those little metal pieces to hold the glass and print in place and now I know. I don't blame you for wanting to keep the memo board. Black and toile are one of my favorite combos. This looks great.

  25. This turned out just beautiful love the print with the frame...would love it if you came by and shared it at One More Time Events....

  26. Great idea! And it looks fabulous! :)


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy