
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dome Clock Makeover


Dome clock or anniversary clock, I pick them up whenever I see them {for a good price}.  It doesn’t matter what you call it, I guess, since it is going to be used as a cloche.  This one I showed you a couple of weeks ago. I picked it up in its original box at a garage sale for $4.00.

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The base is plastic, but the dome or cloche part is glass.  After taking the clock mechanism off the base, I spray painted it with Rustoleum’s Metallic Aluminum {ultra coverage}.  One coat covered the brass color of the base.


To cut down on the brightness of the Metallic Aluminum, I dulled it up with some black craft paint.  I painted it on with a small paint brush then wiped it off after a couple of minutes.  I stopped at one point while you could still see what it looks like with and without the black craft paint.

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The right side has had the black craft paint applied.  Kind of like a tarnished silver piece.  I continued doing that on the whole base.  I didn’t have to do the center, because that will be covered, but I did it anyway.


To cover the center, I usually use scrapbook paper since there are so many different colors and patterns to choose from, plus I have a lot in my craft room.  I chose this pewter and black damask to cover the holes in the center from the clock mechanism. 


I applied it with Mod Podge and once it dried I gave it another coat over the top.


Here it is styled with a few things I pulled from around the house.  A Peter Rabbit book I just picked up at a recent garage sale.

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A little white ceramic crowned bird.

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Some lovely items from Rosemary at Villabarnes.

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A real piece of heavily tarnished silver.

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Unless you touch it, I think the base looks like it could be a tarnished silver piece and not the plastic that it really is!

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Now I have another cloche I can use to display things. 


I think the color on this one will work beautifully for Halloween and Christmas with that tarnished silver looking base.  I could just see a skull in here or silver Christmas ornaments.

Linking up with:

Stylish Friday Finds at A Stylish Interior



  1. I love what you did with that Kathy! It does look like tarnished silver now!

  2. Kathy, I love your new cloche! I never would have thought you could do that with those clocks. I really like the brushed pewter look you created too. The Beatrix Potter book was so cute in it! ~ Jamie

  3. You did a great job. I think I may have one of those clocks in storage somewhere. Now I have to go and find it. Great cloche ideas too.

  4. Very cute idea, Kathy. It looks great and you would never know it started out as a plastic clock base! xo Diana

  5. Great job, Kathy! It's such a wonderful cloche now.
    Happy Wednesday!

  6. I love it with Rosemary's pieces inside it. The base really does look like metal. I would never guess it was plastic.


  7. Love it..good job Kathy..very versatile..

  8. Kathy,

    Fantastic makeover!!! I just love it, Rosemary's item underneath are my favorite.


  9. This is a fantastic makeover! I love your the way you made the base look like tarnished silver- very clever! Your styling is always wonderful!

  10. Hi Kathy, this is a wonderful makeover. Sure looks like tarnished silver. Love it and all the ways you show your displays. Great ideas!

  11. You're spot on about the skull! Or perhaps a rubber rat? (Well, guess you have to live in my house to appreciate that one!) I never would have thought of painting the palstic. I probably would have gone looking for a different bottom. Great idea!

  12. Great job. Definitely has me smacking my forehead and saying why didn't I think of that!

  13. Beautiful! The base does look like tarnished silver. I never see these at the thrift store.You can bet I'd snatch it up if I ever did!

  14. A beautiful transformation. I love the ways you styled it.

  15. My mother in law just saved me some of these, I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them, you've given me some inspiration.


  16. Wow, what a FAB idea!
    I love how you antiqued it and made it your own. You took it for 70's to chic :)

  17. Thanks for the huge smile, Kathy. It's such a joy to see something I created so beautifully displayed in your home. I love your dome makeover.

  18. I love to see the creative ideas you come up with. What a great project and it can be used so many different ways.

  19. Your base make-over looks fabulous!! Beautiful job....and I love the birdie with the crown! Blessings~~~Roxie

  20. Fabulous transformation! Thanks for all the ideas! I actually have one of these sitting in my bathroom closet!! It's getting a facelift today!~~Angela


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy