
Friday, February 7, 2014

Odds & Ends

Just some little things to share, so I thought I’d put them in one post.  I found some French journal pages that a bloggy friend sent me from a swap last year {or the year before} and I decided to put them in the cloche where I have the little PB Santos ornament.  I think it makes for a nice background.


That led me to change the cloche I have in our master bedroom.  I had a few clock faces in this one, but put in one of my fabric hearts and a Valentine Bingo card I printed out.


I performed some plastic surgery on “Teddy”, my granddaughter’s well-loved constant companion from the time she was a baby {she is 3 years old now}.


His nose got worn down so he needed a new one.  The pink button was the granddaughter’s choice.

Since it has been so cold and I’ve been inside a lot, I’ve also been doing a lot of reading and some cleaning, both the housework and organizing kind.  I’m looking for some good book recommendations, if you have any.  I love mysteries and thrillers, but often go off on a romantic theme {a la Tricia Ashley}.  I think I’m caught up with all the new books from my favorite authors, so I’m on the search for new and interesting books.


  1. Hi Kathy ,
    I love Santos dolls :)
    Your Santos doll in the cloche and with this background looks great!
    Have a good day :)

  2. Really love the cloche with the Santos and the paper. I haven't been out much either b/c of the weather. I'm climbing the walls and it's certainly not helping with inspiration.


  3. You know I love the cloches, great additions. Hugs, Marty

  4. Very cute idea and display Kathy! Happy Friday:)

  5. your endless creativity and energy never cease to amaze!

  6. Cute cloche..Fun idea..Have a great weekend..

  7. You know that I love my cloches. These are so creative and very pretty.


  8. Hi Kathy, Love your odds and ends. Great ideas and displays. Your grands sweet Teddy looks adorable with his new nose.
    I'm doing the same inside here with the cold we've had. Hopefully I can be done when the weather gets nice again. Whenever that will be. LOL we had snow and ice yesterday. Strange for Texas!
    Have a great weekend.

  9. Your cloches always look fabulous, Kathy! I love Teddy's new button nose! What an adorable companion! Ashley is so fortunate that you are so talented and made Teddy look like new! No book recommendations for now- Have a fantastic weekend!

  10. Genius, the santos ornament looks wonderful with those French pages!
    Wherever did you find that small santos?

  11. Love the cloche with the Santos!

    I don't have any book recommendations as I don't read thrillers or mysteries. I've been staying inside a lot too since it feels like Alaska!

  12. Your cloches are so pretty, and you gave teddy a great nose job. I love mysteries and thrillers, too. Do you read Mary Higgins Clark? Louise Penny is one I recently discovered. Her books remind me of sort of a modern day Agatha Christie. There are several Christian authors I like: Terri Blackstock, Davis Bunn, Brandilyn Collins, Kristen Heitzmann

  13. Very cute, Kathy! Have you read Kate Morton? ALL of her books are great. I would definitely recommend them.

  14. I love cloches! I love the one with the heart. Have a great weekend.


  15. Love the cloche's Kathy especially the read heart love one. I have never seen a small santos angel like that one. How cute. Have a great week end.

  16. Loving the cloche with the santos and French journal pages! Thanks for the visit to my blog. Happy Valentine's Day! ~Lorraine ♥♥♥

  17. I love how you update your cloches. I change mine out for the seasons too. You're a sweet grandma Kathy. Teddy looks all better now.

  18. I love switching out the stuff in my many cloche fillers from time to time, too. Only problem is, lots of stuff is packed away these days and I'm trying to pare down on décor. Not easy for a girl like me:) Love the French journal pages behind the Santos, great idea.

  19. I love cloches and yours look so pretty Kathy!

  20. Love the French pages in the cloche-great idea!

  21. Hi Kathy. Love the cloche with the Santos and the French pages. Winter is a great time to catch up on indoor chores and reading.

  22. I love your little cloche vignette.

    I just bought a cloche and now I know what to put inside it.


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy