
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Flea Market Find

A new little flea market opened up near me.  In the same location that the local flea and antique mart was located, until it closed its doors about six months ago.  They’ve set up the inside a little differently, but I think some of the vendors are the same. I went in last week {it was Grand Opening week} to look around and I found this metal globe.


I decided to get it because it was different than most globes you see.  Also, I liked the size and I have been on the look-out for globes to collect for the home office.  Right now I have two.  The little green one that I can’t remember for the life of me where I found it started me off.  It looks like something that may have originally come from Home Goods, but that’s not where I got it.


There is plenty of room here!  So there is a start to my collection {although I think you have to have three of something to call it a “collection”}.  I think it is something that will be fun to search out.  I also like the idea of this type of collection for a home office.


Any new collections going on at your house?



  1. I love this globe! It's perfect for your home office, Kathy! I put golf accessories in Mike's office. It was so much fun to look for vintage golf items. I know you'll have fun searching for globes.

  2. Love your new globe, it is very different and so pretty. I also like the green one too. Great start to your collection.

  3. Very Nice and Unique Kathy! I've never seen a modern globe like this. It goes with your lovely decor...Perfect! Glad you have a great place still to junk~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

  4. Nice piece, Kathy. I like the open design.

  5. That is a cool globe and I really like how it is different than the typical school room globes. Your pair looks great in your office while they hang out and wait for the collection to show up lol. I have a new collection, dice. Just a little canning jar full of them but they make me smile.

  6. Never saw anything quite like that, good pick, Kath!


  7. Oh, it's always great when a new flea market hits town! Your globe was quite a unique find!

  8. That's really a cool looking globe, I like things that are different, even though I like both globes. What's the saying more than 1 is a collections. My new collection is vintage chafing dish lids {-}.

  9. What a neat globe. I my book three is a collection so you only need one more.
    Did the mall where you and Sure had your things close or was it another one.

  10. Kathy, I have a feeling you will have a collection of globes in no time at all! I think they look great on the cabinet top.


  11. Globes are a great idea for an office collection. You have a great start. I'm trying to un-collect these days! :)

  12. Hi Kathy, great little globe you found and so unique. Love your first one too. Looks like you are off to a good start with your new collection in your home office.
    I don't have anything new in a collection but I have been adding to my white pitcher collection.
    Have fun searching for globes.

  13. Your new globe really is unique. I think I have about 8-10 globes in various sizes. Welcome to the club, Kathy!
    xo Kathleen

  14. the globes are great for a library or office! love your topiary, too:) maybe that's my new collection--topiaries!

  15. A globe-trotting collection! Ha- my collection lately is dust bunnies...

  16. Love it! S has a bit of a collection going in his room thanks to me. =)


  17. Oh I love that Kathy! What a cute find.

  18. Love it! It's very unique. I have a collection of vintage globes (I like the colors). No new collections - I'm trying to get rid of some of the things I collect!

  19. Like the globe! Makes me think of the World Trade Center sculpture of some reason! I am rereading some of your posts featuring painted furniture, but I keep getting side tracked.

  20. I'm drawn to items that are bit unique, and that globe certainly fits the bill. It's very sculptural and artistic, and it goes perfectly in your home! Great find!!


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy