
Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Artist Behind The Etsy ~ Cherry’s Jubilee

button_edited-1 Being a part of the Etsy community, not only as a seller but as a customer, I have come across many talented individuals.  With this series, I hope to introduce you to some of these creative people, finding out where they find their inspiration, and a little bit more about them.

Good morning, everyone!  This morning I am welcoming Cherry from Cherry’s Jubilee.  Cherry makes wonderful and heart warming items with a vintage feel.  I know you will enjoy visiting Cherry’s shop just as much as I do!

I have loved pretty paper and scissors from an early age. Starting with Paper villages and dolls...cutting for hours and assembling my little villages. Things really have not changed much from then.

Starting my blog in 2006, I first shared my decorating and home projects. I found myself creating again with paper. Little pumpkin head boxes and altered art.

vintage christmas ornament tag-CHRISTMAS ELEGANT LADY ornament tag decoration

My blog visitors kept asking when I would start selling my goods. Etsy was a natural fit. I have never looked back. I love being in my own little world. Quiet and serene. As in my home, I gravitate towards the old. Anything with a sense of history inspires me. I love to combine the old and new....both with a vintage appeal.

cottage christmas plaque-LITTLE GIRL under MISTLETOE christmas stitched handmade sign

My art always has a bit of added whimsy. My hope is that it brings a smile to the recipient. I imagine someone years from now unwrapping an ornament I have made and still loving it...passing it on to the next generation. Standing the test of time.

vintage christmas banner-JOY SNOWFLAKE BANNER-handmade christmas banner

vintage christmas card-CHRISTMAS CHILDREN it's a HOLLY jolly christmas handmade card

Thanks so much Kathy for letting me share my passion and little corner in the world! Cherry's Jubilee

Thanks very much for sharing your Etsy story with us, Cherry!  I absolutely love your creations and I always come away with a good feeling after visiting your blog or shop. I think it is because they make me think of my childhood and remembrances of how things were years ago. You can visit Cherry’s blog here and her Etsy shop here. 

If you, or someone you know, has an  Etsy shop, selling handmade items, and would like to be considered for a feature on The Artist Behind The Etsy, just send me an email (kpassarette(at)yahoo(dot)com) to let me know. 


  1. wow. each one is fabulous~!
    Thanks so much for visiting me and leaving such a great comment..

    we think a lot alike- I know you'll use the car art in fun ways. I printed out enough to put some on my packages too..
    I need to talk to you about some stockings~! I'll go to your esty shop to see if you have enough already made..

  2. What a fabulous shop! Cherry is so creative and talented! I love her "Joy" banner! I'm off to visit her blog. Thanks for sharing her shop!

  3. Cherry has some adorable handmade items. I am going on over now to check her out.

  4. WOW what a beautiful and talented artist Cherry is. Love her sweet creations. Thanks for the intro.

  5. thanks Kathy for taking the time to share my little store and blog! hugs, cherry

  6. I've been buying from Cherry for a while now and everything I get from her is just beautiful. I always buy from her to give to friends or family and I find myself wanting to keep it for myself. I also have gotten her to do a custom order for me and it was lovely. I'm off to look at more of your blog. I love etsy shopping.

  7. oh, i've followed her for years--love her style:) her blog is a treat!

  8. Awesome shop! It's like a little winter wonderland. =)


  9. Dont you just love her creations? Ive been visiting her blog for a couple years and always leave there thinking.. "omg.. how stinking cute!"
    have a great week kathy

  10. Cherry is clearly very talented and creative, and from the looks of things, so are you!

    I'm stopping by via Shirley's blog after seeing your comment about not being 'in the mood'. I can relate. Then I saw you lived in NY most of your life, as did I! Long Island then Westchester for me. Now it's Massachusetts.

    Happy to meet you Kathy!


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy