
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sew Happy ~ Shortening Too Long Jeans

A new type of post I am thinking of adding in every so often will have to do with sewing projects.  I’ve got lots of projects I’d like to do and I’m hoping 2015 will be the year I take them from my Pinterest Sewing Projects board and actually do some of them. 

I'm sew very happy printable

First up, I altered two pairs of jeans I have had sitting in my closet for the past few years because they were too long.   Except for the length they fit me well and feel comfortable.  I found this tutorial on Pinterest and saved it for “one day”.



Too long jeans.  Sorry for the blurry photo.

I picked up the blue jean colored thread about a month ago, and (finally) yesterday I put them on, measured for the hemming, pinned them up, and sewed them.  You’ll also want to cut off the excess fabric, once you check to make sure the hemming is to your liking.


I’m thrilled with how they turned out! 




Now I have two pairs of jeans to actually wear instead of just having them sit on a shelf in my closet.


  1. HI Kathy! You did a great job on hemming your jeans. I've seen that tutorial too and have it pinned. Like you, I have so much I want to do but I don't get to it as fast as I'd like. Now I'm going to take at your sewing board. Hope you had a Merry Christmas.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Ive hemmed jeans like that several times now and they really do turn out nicely! Love your shoes by the way! Hope you had a great Chrismtas!

  3. I really wish I could sew, but even with jeans that I've bought that are too long, how do you hem them so that you have that original looking trim?

    Jane x

  4. Thanks for sharing this, Kathy! I am not much of a seamstress, and recently hemmed a pair of jeans myself. Wouldn't you know it, as careful as I was, I ended up with one leg just a bit shorter than the other! I will check out this tutorial for sure!

  5. this is so clever! thanks for sharing, kathy!

  6. Merry Christmas! Great hem job on the jeans. Despite valiant effort on the part of my teachers I have very poor sewing skills because I can't follow a straight line to save my life.
    Besides catching up and saying Merry Christmas I wanted to let you know that the little girl's apron from your Etsy shop was a big hit.
    Best wishes for a fun and prosperous New Year!

  7. Love how these turned out, Kathy! You really inspire me to want to learn how to sew! My Mother was right; I'm sorry I didn't let her teach me! Thanks for the link! Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year!

  8. I've often thought about doing a sewing series on my blog Kathy, as it seems so many people want to learn how to sew. I'm 'sew' glad I learned at a young age, since I don't think I'd be motivated to figure it out now. I've pinned that too but never did it and like you, I've got a couple of pants that could use it. At 5'4, that's pretty common ;)

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year!

  9. Evening Kathy, It will be fun to see some sewing projects and new ideas from you....I have seen on a few blogs, some are mixing it up differently or adding something for 2015. I have enjoyed having you as a blogging sister and look forward to more...Happy New Year, Blessings~~~Roxie

  10. They look great!...I always have to take mine to the tailor to get them hemmed!

  11. They came out great! I couldn't even tell you had altered them.


  12. This is brilliant! I have two pairs of jeans that have been sitting in my closet for way too long! I still need to carve out time to hem them but now that I have a place to sew that will be the first thing on my list to tackle. Thank you for sharing Kathy.
    God bless,


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy