
Friday, August 28, 2015

Grain Sack Lumbar Pillow Cover

Debra over at Common Ground reminded me of this great fabric I had gotten from Décor Steals a couple of years ago.  It’s a grain sack look fabric. It was a really good deal at the time, but I haven’t used much of it.


Debra used hers for table runners, but I decided to do a lumbar pillow cover for a pillow I have on our living room sofa.  I made this one up with a drapery panel I found at Goodwill several years ago.


I decided to make a cover so that I could remove it when I wanted a change or just to go back to the pillow the way it was.  I have been trying to just do envelope covers for easy on/off for my existing pillows, so that’s how I did this one.  But first, I decided to add an image to the center.  I chose this one which I’ve had saved for awhile and that came from The Graphics Fairy.  I printed this onto iron-on paper and transferred it onto the fabric before sewing.


I chose the fabric that had a black stripe since I have black and white going on here. 


I was glad that the stripes worked out the way I wanted them to.


I’m really pleased with the way it turned out and even more pleased that it will be easy to remove and change when I want to do so.


Just to give you a little bit of info if you’ve never done an envelope closure before ~ this pillow is 12 x 26.  I cut the front/face fabric 13 x 27 and the back fabric 13 x 33.  I then cut the back fabric in half.  I lined it up on the facing fabric and then pinned the opening portion of both pieces for sewing ~ width-wise {and this way you have the correct length}.  Once they were both sewn I pinned them to the front and sewed all the way around.  Clip your corners and turn right side out through the “envelope” opening.  Feel free to email me if you have any questions on how to do this.


I like how it brings over the color of the burlap tablecloths on the side tables to the middle of the sofa.


I did another project with one of the other grain sack fabrics that I hope to share with you next week.  Also next week, we are in the final countdown for the new granddaughter!  I’m very excited to meet her!



  1. This work is absolutely fantastic. An adorable pillow! Love the vintage pattern.
    Happy days

  2. Your pillow is amazing! I really like it with all your other black accents. Love that black and white toile chair. :)

  3. You always have such great ideas. Love this pillow. Gorgeous.

  4. Well done, Kathy!

    You made it "your own," and I love that about you! : - )

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  5. So perfect Kathy. This is awesome. Have a great week end.

  6. This is perfect Kathy, I have the same fabric. I'm planning on a runner with the black. Can't wait to hear about the baby


  7. Love your envelope pillow cover. Your decor style is so lovely.

  8. Your pillow covering turned out great, Kathy. I love the added detail with the iron on transfer. So excited for you about the new baby! She will bring so much joy, I'm sure! Blessings, Cindy

  9. It is beautiful, you did a lovely job with the pillow and it looks perfect in your room.

  10. Kathy, I love your pillow! The graphic really sets it off! Your room is so pretty and your pillow is a wonderful accessory for this room.

  11. That is adorable. I saw the same post over at Common Ground. I wish I had some of that fabric. I've never printed on transfer paper before I'll have to give it a try.
    Coming over from Junk Chic Cottage.

  12. I adore the pillow you made, Kathy! It's a perfect accessory in your beautiful living room.
    Mary Alice

  13. Last week I wrote a post about my disappointment with a class I took where I thought I'd be learning about transfers. I was actually hoping to learn about this type of stuff! Sounds relatively easy, but I've never done it after all these years.

    I love the graphic you chose, and the pillow looks lovely in your home,

  14. That is a lovely pillow and it looks great in your room, Kathy! The stencil was a great idea.

  15. gee, how did I miss this..

    love that pillow~! your whole great room area is so pretty..

    thanks for the bee graphic..


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy