
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

5 Things You Didn't Know About . . . .

Favorite music at the moment: Currently the music from the cd Rejoice, Praise and Worship by Eternity.

If you didn't live where you do, where would you live: If I could, I would live closer to my daughters but after that I guess.....back a long tree lined lane in a beautiful cottage in the woods and it would be in a place that has a cold winter and a hot summer because I love the seasons.
Favorite cocktail: None.....don't drink.

Best advice you ever received: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and put on your lipstick and deal with it!

Person you most admire: Jackie Kennedy

You can read 5 Things You Didn't Know About . . . . Donna at dh designs by clicking on this link to her blog.

Now you know 5 things about Debra at The Bunnies Bungalow and Donna at dh designs! Check back next Wednesday for another "5 Things You Didn't Know About . . . "!


  1. Hi Kathy, I'll give this new feature a mention on my blog tomorrow. I said I don't drink and I don't as a rule but, maybe once a year I'll have a cocktail. The last one I had was a pomegranate martini and I blogged about it.
    Thanks for picking me, sorry I'm so boring.

  2. Thanks, Debra! You're not boring at all! You should hear about a week in my life - you'd be snoozing within seconds! LOL! I don't drink much either, every so often I'll have a little wine with my hubby, but that's very rare.

  3. How very fun! I am off to visit her blog for the first time!

  4. I love the description of the cottage in the woods - it sounds perfect.

  5. yum, I'm going to have to come back after work and read about that pomegranate martini......

  6. Thanks for you sweet visit to my rooster scape Kathy! I always appreciate your visits.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
    ~Warmly, Melissa ;)

  7. It's so much fun to learn more about our fellow bloggers :-) This is a great idea for a weekly feature. Looking forward to reading more "5 Things" :-)



I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy