
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Finally ~ Fixin' Up For Fall

I had to make a return to Michaels today, so, of course, I prepared a list of things I wanted to get while I was there. I decided to splurge and get the white pumpkins I saw a few weeks ago. After seeing all the inspiration pictures from the different blogs I've been reading the past two weeks, I knew I wanted to try stamping, stickers, and all that other great stuff to dress them up. Luckily, they were on sale.

I bought these stickers and the smaller size pumpkin to work with.

Within a few minutes I had this:

That's one pumpkin in front of a mirror. I did a different design sticker on the back so that after Halloween I can still have it out until Thanksgiving. A multi-functioning pumpkin ~ love it! I will probably move it from that spot, unless I add some other decoration to hide the reflection.

Fall side:

First thing this morning, I moved my large planter from between the two garage doors to the back for painting. This planter is so old and, as you can see, these coleus are begging to be put out of their misery! I gave the pot two coats of black spray paint before I headed out to Michaels, figuring it would be dry and ready for me by the time I got home.

Here is the after {with my crazy Siberian Husky, Misty Blue, managing to get in the picture}. Whenever I bring flowers or plants home she comes over and smells them. She thought these were real ~ crazy dog.

And here it is back where it belongs, with our house number on them.

I also bought these items to put together something for my front door. I got a half horn, one bush of flowers, one bush of grasses, three filler pieces, a half round of foam, some Fall wire-ribbon, and a 3M hook {those easily removable ones}.

Within a half hour I had this. I have no talent for making bows so I just did a regular bow and wired it onto the front.

Quick and easy projects. That's me done, except for some Halloween decorations that I still have to find in the attic and drag downstairs. I'm more of a decorate-like-crazy-for-Christmas kind of gal!


  1. Great job on all of these. Love the look of the white pumpkins and the door swag you made is perfect for the Fall. That corucopia basket makes it so unique. Really like it!!

  2. Looks great! I'm loving the white pumpkin with the crown/Boo. Very cute.

  3. OOH Kathy, All the projects look great...I love them all, but that pumpkin topiary is fabulous!!

    Thank you so much for the sweet kind words you left me about my new job!!! You are such a sweetie! I appreciate your comment!!!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Nancy

  4. Your blog and comments are becoming some of my favorite reads! I love what you did with these pumkpins, especially the house numbers. (What's funny is my house number is the same!) Thanks for sharing your great fall projects.

  5. Thanks, Lisa! Can you believe I went to close the door after that and it's too big! I picked out the only one I thought would fit there {because I have a storm door}. I'll have to hang that one somewhere else and find something slimmer to work with.

  6. I am in love with the pumpkin planter. I might have to steal that idea!
    Great job with the arrangement for the front door. It looks great!

  7. Thanks, Beth! I had fun picking out the stickers to use.

    Thanks, Nancy! I had a lot of fun doing that and painting the planter. You have fun with the new job!

    Same here, Miss Mustard Seed! It's been awhile since I have done crafty type things, but feels good to get back into it.

  8. Super fun projects!

    I may try to do something similar in my planter if I can get some pumpkins on sale.

  9. I love the white pumpkins. I'm not much of a Halloween decorator either. I'm all about Christmas decorating !

  10. Misty Blue is beautiful!! We have a husky too :-)

    I love all your craft projects, especially your address pumpkins. That's such a cool idea :-)

    Lucky for me, hubby is good at math AND drafting. We sat together in my office and he helped me get my measurements right. Then he decided to show off and do the same floor plan in AutoCad in 15 minutes!!


  11. Love what you did with the stickers on the pumpkins and the fact that it's reversible! I started my own pumpkin project and ran into an "issue". Now I need to go to Michaels again. frustration... :-) I like the idea of putting your house #'s on the pumpkins too. Unfortunately I'd need a "tower of pumpkins" because mine is too long.

  12. Kathy your Fall pumpkins and decor' look GORGEOUS!!!! :)

  13. The pumpkins are super fun! I love the crown and fluer-de-lis...I just might have to "borrow" this idea.


  14. Thanks, Anna! Michaels had them on sale 40% off, I believe. They are marking down all their Halloween and Fall stuff ~ I noticed they were putting the Christmas stuff out Saturday!

    My son kept telling me the pumpkins were white, Tammy {like I didn't know} and that it was somehow wrong.

  15. Thank you, Kelly! Our dog is a sweetie; very affectionate.

  16. I have to go back to Michaels too, PK. That arrangement I did for the front door ~ it's not as slim as I thought it would be and I can't close the door (storm door). Now I have to go back and get the other holder I had been looking at but thought was too plain. Sigh!

    Thank you, Melissa! Not as good as the ones I saw for inspiration, but good enough for me.

    Thanks, Chelsea! I got inspiration from other bloggers and their beautiful pumpkins, so go crazy!

  17. Everything just looks beautiful (and your dog is so cute too!)

  18. Thanks, Christine! I had fun doing it, too {even if it was the only things I accomplished on Saturday!}. She knows she's cute, too ~ believe me, she works the cuteness factor. It's the blue eyes that get you!

  19. What a wonderful idea! They look fabulous!


  20. Ohh!! I am loving the house number idea! All your white pumpkins look so good though.

    I am new to your blog and really enjoying it.

  21. Just love the crown pumpkin! Definitely an idea worth "borrowing." Thanks for sharing!

  22. Thank you, Michelle!

    Hi {L}! Thanks! I wanted to do something a little different but try a pumpkin topiary. I like the way it turned out and I'm glad I spray painted the pot, too.

    @ Sweet Bee Cottage ~ Thank you! I borrowed it from someone else myself. : ) Just had to try it!

  23. Just found your blog, so I'll be stalking :o) Love the stacked pumpkin look and hope to try it later this weekend. Would love to have you stop by sometime and wave hello. (I'm having a giveaway too, if you're into handmade milk soaps)

  24. Hi Cindy! Thank you and I hope you do try that project! I'll come visit ~ the soap sounds real nice.

  25. Kathy...I love the way yours turned out! So stinkin cute. Is the crown a sticker or a stamp? I have been looking for some fun stickers like that. Great job!


  26. Hi Kathy!

    I love what you did with the pumpkins! What stunned me most was how easy the stencil idea was! Wonderful! I've featured it (and you!) in my Today's Hot Find. :)

    Funky Junk Donna


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy