
Saturday, September 26, 2009

And The Winner Is . . . . .

The Warehouse Fabrics Inc. giveaway was a lot of fun! I would definitely do this again {just in case you're reading Warehouse Fabrics Inc. folks : )}.

So, without any further delay, the trusty random number generator at picked # 51 ~ NICO Designs! Congratulations!

I hope to have another giveaway in the next couple of weeks, so I hope you'll stick around!

If you'd be interested in offering a giveaway item on my blog, please feel free to shoot me an email kathyp{at}creativehomeexpressions{dot}com.

Did you notice I added something new to my posts? A signature! What do you think? Not sure yet if I like it or not.


  1. How wonderful! Thank you, Kathy, for hosting the giveaway.

    And I like the signature at the end of the posts. I have noticed them at a few of my favorite blogs and keep thinking I need to try it out.

  2. Thank you! I loved doing this giveaway and I hope I can do another again in the future sometime.


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy