
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Paint the Sidelights or Not?

As I mentioned in my last post, I have plans to paint my front door black.  Besides the door itself, I have sidelights on either side of the door.  Everything is currently white.  {The lantern lights normally on either side of the door are being spray painted with a fresh coat of black paint}.


In looking around blogland, I’ve noticed that many people who have this set up do not paint their sidelights the color of the door.  They leave them white.  I just assumed I would paint the sidelights black as well.  Here are some pictures of front doors {that I found through Google} with the sidelights painted and some without.



I love the molding around both this red door {above} and the black door {below}.





(from Velvet and Linen blog)

Which way do you think it looks better?  If you painted your own front door, but not the sidelights, was there a reason?



  1. I think the doors with the sidelights painted stand out more . . .


  2. Hmm I kind of like the white sidelights with the black door. Really makes the door pop! I like both though, that's a tough one. :)

  3. Actually after looking at all the pictures....I like it both ways. I know if my husband where to do it, we would do it all...but like I said both ways look great...the black will pop with the white trim.

  4. That's funny. I have sidelights and I never thought about painting them. You have me pondering the same question now too!!

  5. That is a hard call! I like it both ways too! I would do the front door first and see if it looks completed to you then if you want to go further then go back and do the sidelights. I will be watching! I want to paint my door too, but it was done with and oilbased paint and I hate using Oilbased paints! Hate them w/a passion! So I would need to do a primer of kilz first before doing the door in a latex. Needless to say it's alot of work I'm not looking foward to it and am putting it off. I can't wait to see yours finished!

  6. I like leaving the sidelights white! I think the door pops more that way. I think it looks good both ways but my choice is door only! Can't wait to see what you choose!


  7. paint paint paint.......


    Can't wait to see what you decide.


  8. My front door is black and the trim and sidelights are white (and my shutters are black and the window trim is white).

    Actually, my front door is exactly like the 5th photo down in your post. I love it. If you do decide to paint your sidelights, be sure to keep the trim white.

  9. Are you planning on keeping the white storm door and side light covers?

  10. I like both ways...I would suggest just painting your door and not the sidelights and wait a week before you make your decision on whether to pull out the paintbrush again or not.

  11. Hi Kathy,
    I agree with Cathy. I like the sidelights white to show off the color of the door.

    Can't wait to see the finished photo.


  12. Okay, I can see why some think the door pops more with OUT painting them. However, I say paint them. I think it looks more grand and really brings out your whole doorway especially since your house is a lighter color. Paint. Just do it.

  13. I think I would paint them...if the house colour was darker, maybe I'd leave them, but I think with the lighter house colour the black stands out more.

  14. I think it truly depends on the door. In your case I would paint them but you can always live with the white for a few days before painting to see if you like it.

  15. I agree with Cathy...I think the white sidelights make a black door pop. But either way you go...the fresh coat of paint is going to look great.

  16. Our house is a taupe siding with white trim, black shutters, black lanternlights, black door, and white sidelights. Personally, I do NOT like the photo with the black sidelights....looks strange to me. Linda

  17. If you do the trim in white or a contrasting color, then I would paint the sidelights black, as well as the door. It has more impact and makes the entryway look larger.

  18. Good Morning, Kathy. Wow! The examples you've shown are great. I really never thought of not painting our sidelights. I always just painted them the same color of the door, but I'm really liking the "not-painted-the-color-of-the door" version. I really have to repaint our front door, and shutters, and now I think I'm going to have to consider this look.

    My favorites are the second and fourth doors your showing up there.

    Can't wait to see what you decide to do!

  19. I would paint them. I like the third picture in your inspiration photos. Really looks good and each element stands out.

  20. I'd say it depends on the scale and proportion of your door to the facade of the house.
    Maybe scan a pic of the whole front facade and colour it in both ways to see which looks right. Depending on what the rest of the fenestration looks like the single black door may look like a dot, or with the sideslights done it might look like the house is yawning.

  21. The idea is making the door pop, not the side lights. Would you walk thru a side light? I think not.

  22. I would definately paint them.

  23. Oh, I think either way would be great! I do love the idea of the entry seeming larger, so painting all might give you that feeling. But you know what? I don't think you'll go wrong either way! Thanks for your comments on the mirror! -shaunna :)

  24. I like the black-painted sidelights--Funny, mine just went from brass to black (spray painted them)--mine are the coach lights on the garage, however, but the black is so elegant-looking to me!

  25. Kathy, I like the sidelights left white with the door painted..Not sure why, but like that look better!


  26. I like the contrast of the door being a different color than the sidelights. It adds more character and looks very elegant.

  27. Wow that's a tough one. I like them both ways. If it were me, I'd start by painting the door and deciding how it looked first.

  28. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my laundry room makeover.

    Funny I should read this post because we just completed our front porch makeover which you can see here:

    I chose to paint the door BLACK and spray paint the existing lights SILVER (which were black but faded to gray). I like the contrast between the two of them.

  29. Some people commenting don't seem to know that sidelights are the Windows next to the door, NOT the light fixtures by the door.


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy