
Friday, June 18, 2010

Target and Their Lovely Dollar Spot

I took off the past Friday from the day job so that I could do some final running around before my daughter’s baby shower.  Part of that running around brought me to Target and you know you can’t go there without checking out their dollar spot.


Besides some great little tin pails, they had these cardboard paper ones.  Love the black and white with that hot pink inside.  I got two of those for my craft area, as well as these fun polka dot ones; $1.00 each.



I’m always one for picking up extra wrapping paper when I see it on sale or, in this case, cheap.  They match the pails and were also $1.00 a roll. 


I’d say that was $8.00 well spent!

Linking up with:

Frugalicious Friday at Finding Fabulous


  1. Very cute! I was at Target yesterday but I had S with me so had to run in and out. Have to check out those bins next time!


  2. Love the black and white pails! I think I am due for a trip to Target.

  3. I love Target's dollar section Kathy! My kids and I can spend at least 5 minutes poking around there! Thanks for linkin' up...great finds! ps. Love the pink door...too fun!

  4. I love the dollar section at Target too! It's like a little treasure trove! You never know what you are going to find, but you always know that you can afford it!

  5. I LOVE these, Kathy! I finally remembered to look when I went to Target this week but didn't see any but I did notice that they have LOTS of black and white home decor I bought a panel for my window in my workroom. Not sure if I like it or not . . . need to live with it a bit!


  6. I love the black damask wrapping paper! I am soooo going to Target today! Thanks!

  7. I love the dollar section at Target! It's bad :) I always end up spending way more than I planned because everything is only a $1!

  8. I usually walk right past that part of the store, but now I'm going to stop and see what they have to offer. Thanks for sharing!


  9. Kathy too cute, I haven't seen anything this adorable there! I will check it out!

    Great Giveaway is on my site!

    Art by Karena

  10. These turned out so cute! I love the $ Spot as well. I can't seem to walk out of Target without a couple dollar items!

  11. While the ideas here are so wonderful (heading to Target later!), could you please post a photo of your table?? That is AMAZING, but such a TEASE!!! Thank you!

  12. i haven't been to target in forever! now i'm feeling the need for a fix :)

  13. Fun post, you never know what treasures there are out there to be found. Followed our link for the creative bloggers party and really enjoyed stopping by for a visit.

  14. That wrapping paper is to die for! I wonder if my store had it and I missed it??


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy