
Friday, July 2, 2010

Decorating With ~ Birdcages

Birdcages have become such a great decorative accessory for the home.  You can find them just about anywhere ~ home store, garage sale, thrift store.  You can put just about anything inside them ~ plants, flowers, nests, candles, dolls, books and, uh, well, birds. 



Hobby Lobby



They come in many shapes and sizes, which makes them easy to fit into any decor in any space.  Inside or outside.



World Market


Ballard Design


Neiman Marcus

I have this birdcage on a stand filling a corner in my kitchen.  Currently it holds some faux greenery.  I really need to update and pay some attention to it.


I also have this little cloche-like birdcage {from Michael’s} on my kitchen window sill and this one holds a little nest and eggs.


I like how the Ballard Design and Neiman Marcus birdcages are grouped together as wall art in these pictures.  They make much more of an impact as a collection and become a focal point.  Do you have any decorative birdcages in your home?


  1. I scored a cool birdcage at a thrift mall that I am going to use at a baby shower. These are way cool.

  2. So pretty Kathy! I have several and love them all! I have one on a stand in a hallway very similar to the one you have in your kitchen. It is empty right now and in need of filling...some you said;)!

    Happy 4th!

  3. I do, yes I do! I love bird cages and have everything BUT a real bird in them!! lol

    Have a great fourth!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  4. Love all the birdcages. They are all so pretty. I agree, grouped together they make quite an impact. Love the little one on your windowsill. Hugs, Marty

  5. I adore little birdcages! I love that little cloche one you have!! So cute! I try not to go to crazy with the bird stuff, but sometimes it's too hard to resist. :)

  6. Me too, I love birdcages. I can kick myself b/c a couple of years ago I sold one at a garage sale that was an antique and I've seen similar ones now at stores for $100 plus . . oh, well, I made someone happy!!

    Happy 4th of July!


  7. I don't, but these are making me want one! They are all so cute! Have a great weekend!

  8. I have always loved decorative bird cages. I just never found one I liked that was affordable enough. My brother has one in his house that is super cute. Funny the ballard designs and Neiman Marcus ones look the same. Wonder if they are cheaper at one or the other.
    I love the one you have with the claw feet and the little bird on top. Way too cute.

  9. I love this post and getting to see them all together on one page! Like them on the wall!
    happy friday : )

  10. You KNOW I love birds and birdcages--I mostly like watching the wild birds that are FREE! :)
    I enjoyed looking at the many styles/colors of cages in this post--thank you! I got a couple ideas, like I always do, at your home :)
    Hugs, sweet lady!

  11. I just love birdcages - big or small! They add such a nice touch!


  12. I bought a birdcage at the Goodwill and painted it white, but that's as far as I got. I'm thinking it would be cute in a centerpiece at Easter.

  13. I love old birdcages! I have one my mother gave me a few years ago but still have not done anything with it yet. It is currently red and I am trying to decide what color to use. I am dithering between white and something in the turquoise family.

    ~ Tracy

  14. Dear Kathy

    I am so happy you posted this - I LOVE decorative birdcages and would love to have one in my home!

    The ones you posted are beautiful - I am going to check them all out!

    Happy 4th to you!


  15. I love the wall grouping of bird cages, so pretty!!! I have several vintage bird cages on stands, their wonderful to decorate with! Daphne

  16. The birdhouses are great. Hope you have a great fourth!

  17. I love bird cages! I have so many that I have to pack them away for awhile then pull them out for later. I even have the same one you got from Michaels. I am currently visiting my Mom in Colorado and brought her a medium, metal sized one from Goodwill for 7.99 painted it white added some silk plants and hung it in her porch! I'm obsessed.

  18. I love birdcages too! I have a few out and think I have some that are in closets. You are inspiring me get them out and put them somewhere!

  19. I have a really cute green birdcage in the basement storage area! I can't seem to find the perfect home for it.
    I am about to update the seldom used 3rd floor area. There is bound to be a spot for it there.

    I love the one from Michaels.

  20. I do adore the birdcage rage Kathy! They are so whimsical and pretty. I need to get one soon.

    Thank you very much for your kind words on my new haircut and weight loss. I really appreciate it. I don't have any layers in my hair at all. I'm not quite sure why it came out looking that way in the photos. Hmmmm...

    Happy 4th to you and your hubby!
    ~Melissa :)

  21. Wonderful collection of birdcages, Kathy. I have quite a few around my house. Hope you have a great 4th weekend!

  22. Hi Kathy~
    The Neiman Marcus picture has been in my files for so long. Love that one.
    But the little cloche one from Michael's is wonderful.
    Have a great weekend,

  23. As I was walking into Goodwill yesterday, a woman walked out with a huge wicker birdcage! I was in agony! It really was beautiful.

    Have a great 4th!


  24. I thought you needed a bird to get a cage! Silly me..what was I thinking?

  25. I have been noticing these everywhere, and I love them. I'm especially drawn to the robin's egg blue and the white cages.

  26. I love bird cages, but haven't gotten around to grabbing one. Bird houses, on the other hand.... : )

  27. Hi the birdcages! I've been collecting them for a while..had to stop, cause I had too ;) Great post! Nancy

  28. Kathy- I love the birdhouses. I too love them grouped together. I love birds though so cages are great! Can you believe I am just now getting around to commenting from July??? Oh Kathy, you haven't seen the last of me in your inbox, today dear...


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy