
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cleaning “House”

house cleaning

I finally figured out how to add pages to my blog, so I will be “cleaning” it up a bit by moving things to their own page {like Blogs Featured At, which I just accomplished} this morning.  I hate a blog that scrolls down forever when I’m just looking for the comment box {or when you jump to “End” to get to the comment box, and then you have to scroll back up for 15 minutes to find the comment box}!  I don’t want that to be me, so cleaning it is.

What are some things you like to see on a blog sidebar?


  1. Kathy, I have tried to figure out that feature and I can't for the life of me!! Glad you figured it out! I may try it again soon...I got so frustrated that I left it alone.

    One thing I love seeing on people's sidebars is the Follow button so it make it easy for people to follow your Blog. I love all your pictures too that you have on your sidebar of the different things you want :) I covet that harlequin chest!


  2. Hi Kathy!
    Thanks for your help with the headboard!
    I trust your design ideas, you have excellent taste!
    I think the scrolly headboard won-unanimously!
    I know that oak headboard is ugly, but I hesitated to get rid of it, as it was (along with the nightstand that matches it) a hand-me-down from my mother-in-love.
    Is there a site (tutorial) that you used to help you make pages? Or did you figure it out yourself?
    Cuz I'd like to make category pages on my blog, too!
    How'd you do it???
    Hey--answer me honestly, because I usually don't comment on my own blog--is mine one of those "that scrolls down forever when I’m just looking for the comment box {or when you jump to “End” to get to the comment box, and then you have to scroll back up for 15 minutes to find the comment box}"?
    I wanna know!
    What I love seeing on the sidebar is pictures like you already have, then tutorials, inside your home, recipes, etc...things like you already have, but more of them ;), and when you click on the picture, it takes you to the posts. I try doing that on my blog, but am slowly learning, too!
    Halloween is your birthday?
    Hugs to you and thanks!

  3. I've just recently begun using pages and I'm still trying to clean up. I've got one that I'm just publishing link parties on. I'll reference that from now on when I link a post up instead of having 20 links in my post. I too hate a blog that takes forever to load because of all the things on the front page, and just cluttered blogs in general. I think the sides should be used for your followers box, your personal blog buttons, your "about me", categories/archives, ads and maybe some of your buddies' buttons. I've recently changed by layout to include 3 columns, that way, I can have half of my sidebar stuff on the left and half on the right. Maybe you could do that too.. you've got a lot of space over there on the left that isn't being used. :-)

    ~ The Speckled Dog

  4. Tell me how to do it too because I have NO idea whatsoever!


  5. Oh I love the look of tabs on a blog. When I had my blog redone she added tabs and I added some stuff and messed them up. I was glad LauraJane fixed them for me again. They are really tricky to figure out! You must be a blog genus!

  6. Hi Kathy!
    I really need to clean my blog up too! I have been trying to figure out the pages myself and I'm still working on it!
    I really like seeing the pictures on your sidebar of your home and projects. I love seeing rooms in your home.


  7. Hi Kathy!

    I like the page features and have mine set up but I wonder if people read them?

    I like seeing pictures on sidebars, much like you have on yours :)

    Hope you're having a good weekend!!


  8. Hi Kathy,
    Gee, you have been busy today! It feels good to get stuff like this accomplished.
    I'm so glad that the cards arrived...I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about!

  9. I will say that the more I read blogs, the more I like to see only ONE side bar and not one on either side of the post. It's just easier to see everything when it's all on one side...but that's just me. I also like to see the "follow" button close to the top so I don't have to scroll for ages to find it.

  10. I working on the same thing! Hoping to have it all figured out soon. I know your changes will be great! Your blog is always a great place to visit!

  11. I like it when people put photos of their rooms or projects on their sidebar, but only if they enter the code so you can click on the picture and go to their post to get more info.

    Hope you are having a happy Labor day week-end!!!

    :) Lisa

  12. Oh goodluck! I cleaned mine up at the beginning of the year and it works much better!

  13. thats the same thing I have been trying to figure out.....UGH....I wish I knew more about blog design....Loved reading your blog...Have a great holiday weekend.
    I have a GREAT HOLIDAY ORNAMENT GIVEAWAY on my blog...drawing on Mon.


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy