
Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Little French Book


I’m doing this post on my little French book for Linda at Nina’s Nest.  Linda had posted about some French books she had and I had mentioned to her that I had a French grammar book I purchased from eBay several years ago.  I actually purchased it when my daughter was taking French in high school thinking she might like it.  {It is still in my possession, so there’s your answer}.


This book has a copyright of 1917.  There were loose slips of paper in the book and at least one is dated 1963. 


I wonder if these were study notes.  There is also a page with flower petals that were pressed within the pages of this book.


And notes made in pencil throughout the book on various random pages. 



A couple of names pop up here and there, like this address sticker and across from that, in pencil, is someone else’s name written in.  Some of the scraps have names on them, too. 


I don’t speak one iota of French but I love the color on the cover of this book and I love looking at the pages and wondering who used this book.  And the ultimate question ~ did they, in fact, learn French from this little grammar book?


I think that, until I have to pack it up, it will stay right here on my Frenchy dresser.

Linking up with

Vintage Inspiration Friday at Common Ground

Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage



  1. Love your little french book. I have the same one and maybe 4 others. I got them at an estate sale for $1 each.

  2. What a great find, Kathy!!!! I'd hold on to it too!

  3. What a treasure to have though.

  4. I love old books... especially if they contain pretty graphics and/or personal mementos! I would be as interested in the slips of paper stashed in your French book, as I would be the book itself. They often give little clues about the previous owner.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  5. Awesome! I used to live on that street in Denver when I was a child... 6034 Columbine! Crazy!


  6. What a lovely old book! I also love the notes and flower petals! What a great addition to the book. Thanks for sharing this great find!

  7. What a beautiful book to have & display! My kids are in school in French Immersion and my daughter is completely bilingual. French Immersion is free here as an educational option from kindergarten to Grade 12. The book is lovely, but French Grammar is just a fancy word for French Verb Conjugation...and one likes to study that! lol! Old books are such a treasure though...even better when they notes & such inside! Have a wonderful weekend Kathy! Angie xo

  8. Love the fact that there are notes throughout the charming it must feel to wonder who actually used that book.

  9. Bonjour Kathy! You know I enjoyed this post! That is a great little book - to think, it's about 100 years old! I'm glad it has a good home with someone who appreciates it. I looked at the notes and they were definitely practicing verb conjugations and vocabulary. And French grammar is much, much more than verb conjugations - I noticed a page on pronouns -so many of them! Thanks for showing your book - magnifique! à bientôt! Linda

  10. Hi again, Kathy. I must admit that after looking at your book, I went back and looked through my high school French books again. I even have a note in one book that a friend and I were sending back and forth - funny! Then (being desperate for a post idea)I thought about how much is French around my house. Thanks for getting my brain in gear! Linda :)

  11. I have one or two of my grandmother's books and I love seeing the pencil marks too. Makes it so personal! Thanks for linking up, Kathy,
    xoxo Debra

  12. The notes are very special -- beautiful book!

  13. Such a charming find Kathy~I have a little french book too- so neat! Thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  14. I love this book! I just posted about some of my french book finds too!


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy