
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Getting Back To Normal

As I’m putting away our Christmas decorations, I’m putting tabletops back to an everyday look.  The first things I worked on were my cloches.   Just before Christmas I bought the PB Santos ornament and I decided to put her under one of my cloches.


I then brought out my letter balls which I have had stored away since we moved.  I put them under my dome clock cloche, which is larger than the original one I had for them before we moved {that one broke during the move}.  I may need to find more of these letter balls at Michaels to fill it up just a bit more.


I wasn’t sure what I was going to put under this third cloche until I unpacked a box that I needed to use to ship something out.  I came across my Fitz & Floyd black and white sugar and creamer rabbits. 


A perfect way for me to bring them out so I can see them and they just fit under this cloche. 


I forgot how much I loved these!  It’s like getting something new without spending any money!


Now I’m moving onto the rest of the house.  I’m hoping to have new storage bins and everything packed away by Sunday night so I can start the week off fresh and Christmas décor free!

Linking up with

Tabletop Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life



  1. I love your beautiful cloches! Where did you find them? Were they a set? I bought the PB Santos also and I love the look... I couldn't put her away after Christmas, she's still out... I think she needs a cloche!
    Have a good weekend....

  2. Oh your cloches look perfect. I love them all. I need to get mine out and so a few new things with them. Gorgeous displays. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  3. LOVE the Santos under the little cloche and those bunnies are too sweet! Have a great weekend Kathy!

  4. Your cloche decor looks Great Kathy.

    my bins are packed and on the patio. good thing no one can see back there:)

  5. I love my cloches too!! Everything is looking pretty Kathy!


  6. I love finding new ways to put together the things I already have too. I especially love those cream and sugar bunnies. Cute display.

  7. Love what you did with your cloches! I would love to find a pretty one, too. I do have an old cheese dome/dish I may just have to work on.... :)

  8. Don't you just love getting back to normal? I love putting my holiday decorations out, but love cleaning and getting it all packed away. It starts on Sept first with the harvest/fall on to Halloween, back to just harvest and then on the now I have a few snowmen and such, but am too happy to be back to normal.

  9. My Christmas was all put away on the 28th, wanted it done before the root canal!

    Love the Santos ornament!!


  10. As always, looks great, Kathy! I'm working putting away C'mas right along with you this weekend.

  11. Oh Yes, I love getting back to some sort of Normal... :) Your Bunny Cloche is Adorable.. And they look so VERY Happy inside... :)

  12. Lovely Kathy!! You have your cloches filed with things special to you!

    Art by Karena

  13. Oh my Kathy! Those little bunnies looks so pretty under the cloche! I love that look! What a pretty vignette! Angie xo

  14. I put my cloches up after Christmas because I didn't know what I wanted to do with them. You have some wonderful ideas!

  15. So love the Santos dolls. Your cloches are extremely creative! I too am busy packing away the decorations. Started today, but unfortunately it will take me much to put away..

  16. I love your beautiful cloches. I have yet to find one (at a reasonable cost). As soon as I do, I can't wait to do some decorating with them.

  17. Kathy, The little santos were sold out before I got around to ordering a couple. Love the cloches and especially the cute bunnies.

  18. Your cloches are so sweet! I always get stumped as to what to put under them or in apothecary jars. I have had a nest under one cloche for years!! lol!

    Happy Weekend!


  19. You have a way with your cloches! I only have one, but I never seem to get it arranged right ;-)

  20. Hi Kathy! Oh, everything looks wonderful! I love using cloches too and I'm coveting those darling rabbits! :)
    Be a sweetie,

  21. Kathy, your cloches look great!! Now that Christmas is all packed up, I've been rearranging and redecorating. I always get stumped on my cloches. You have given me some great inspiration! Thanks for sharing!

  22. Your cloches look beautiful Kathy! I'm still filling in after putting away all the Christmas. To many projects and not enough time.

    Enjoy your weekend,

  23. Kathy,
    All of your cloches look the first's my fav!


  24. Your cloches look great! I never know what to put under mine. I'm sooooo glad to get rid of all the Christmas stuff (except the tree). I do like the lights on the tree.

  25. I love those bunnies! We took all of the outdoor Xmas stuff down yesterday. We are officially packed away until next year.


  26. Kathy, I love your cloches! I have missed those great letter balls at Michael's! I love them! I also love the music sheet under the bunnies! I adore bunnies too! Your cloche ideas are wonderful! Enjoy your Sunday!

  27. I don't recall seeing Santos ornaments. At all. You're cloches are darling, Kathy. I still have Xmas boxes all over my house (got busy with other stuff) and told my Darling Husband they really needed to get put into the attic To. Day!

  28. I love cloches! I wish I had more... Thanks for following Slipcovered Grey... new followers with you too!

  29. Ahhhhh, isn't that a wonderful feeling ... to start fresh? I LOVE your cloches ... you always put the perfect pieces under them, too. Your bunnies are too cute, and I'm going to keep my eye out for the numbered balls ...

  30. I LOVE Fitz & Floyd and did not realize they made those bunnies. They are just darling. I love your Fresh Look! xo Diana

  31. Great cloches. Such a crazy time, we pull down all of the Christmas, but still want our homes to look special.

    - The Tablescaper

  32. I love the Santos doll under glass. I was in the PB outlet near us on Friday and they had the huge one for about $35.00. I nearly got it but storing it is an issue and Joe was looking at it and me like I was nuts.

  33. I have to say that my favorite is the sweet little F&F bunnies. :) I can see why you love them so. :)



I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy