
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I’ve Been All Over The Place!

Last week my daughter and granddaughter were still visiting in New York {gone almost three weeks!} and my hubby was out of town on business.   I like to keep myself busy when I’m on my own and here are a few things I did that don’t warrant their own post.  First, I was given the task of staining and polying some trim for the wood floors we just put in.


I spread that out over a few days so everything would have ample time to dry between coats.  I worked on a swap project that I signed up for. 


Only a little peek here since I haven’t mailed it out to my partner yet.  Then I finally got back to the valances for the sunroom and knocked out three, which took me almost a whole day {from sewing to hanging}.


Three more to go and then they will all be done!  Painted my second bread board and the wood tote I found at the thrift store. 


Just waiting on a couple of stencils for these pieces to finish them off pretty.   They will then make their way to my Etsy.


And, while I was at it with the French Linen, I painted my big chalkboard.


Just waiting on something for this project, too, and then I’ll show it properly and completed.  I started to get a little restless and made fairy wands.


I started to worry about myself at this point because I have no idea where the idea came from to make these! 



I may be making more for my Etsy, since hubby had bought a whole pack of dowels and only needed a few.   And, finally, I decided to take a day and do nothing!  I hung out at the condo pool for a couple of hours with a book and my new issue of Romantic Homes, then came home and caught up on my Dexter Season 5 DVD’s.  


  1. Sounds wonderful to have all that time to do what you wanted - I had 24 hours last weekend ;) and loved it - got so much done.

  2. It feels so good to get things accomplished!!! Looks like you've been a busy girl :) I'm glad you took some time to relax too sweet Kathy! Hope you are doing so good, hugs and love, Dawn

  3. You have been busy! I feel like I have too, but I have nothing to show for it!!

  4. Sounds like a good time to yourself, to me! :) You got so much done and the fairy wands are adorable!

  5. Well you certainly got a lot done! I can't wait to have some days to myself soon. Shhhhh...don't tell the boys I said that. They would be insulted but between me, you and the lamp post, I need some Mommy/alone time. ;)


  6. You sure have kept yourself busy every time I pop on over here you have some amazing project going on... good for you! Hugs, Diane

  7. I need a nap sweetie after reading how busy you are. Love the chalkboard. xoxo, Olive

  8. Is that all you did?? You forgot about posting on your blog..You do make me tired..The fairy wands are adorable..

  9. How nice it is to have time to yourself to work on projects. Enjoy!!!
    Hugs~~~ Daphne

  10. Always love seeing you transform your great finds into perfect treasures!!!....

  11. That is exactly what I would do if I found myself alone for the weekend. Last year my neighbor offered to take my kids to tennis for one evening so I had four hours to myself at home. I ended up making lined pinch pleat drapes in the time they were gone. It's amazing what you can accomplish if left all alone.

  12. You've been extremely busy. Your chalkboard is gorgeous!

  13. I love having free time alone...I am not as creative as you and I don't think I have your energy, but the time flies. I love your paint jobs and the fairy wands are so sweet! I love the idea of a nearby pool!


  14. Keeping busy is good! Sweet little fairy wands! That might be fun to make with my grandgirl. She loves to create!

  15. You have really been a busy gal, kathy!

    Everything is starting or already looks REALLY great!

  16. wow -It looks like you have been one busy gal. I love all your remakes and redos! Great job and what fun projects- xo Diana

  17. You make me feel like a slug! How industrious! Sometimes when I get to be alone, all I want to do is sit and relax and read and watch tv and have an extra cup of coffee. I need to be more like you!

  18. Wow, Kathy, you *have* been on a roll! Isn't it great when you have time to yourself to focus on your fun projects? I love what you've been up to ... fabulous paint colors, too!

  19. I love time like this. Getting so much done and still having time to rest too. Great job on all the projects. Hugs, Marty

  20. Wow, you've been busy- you earned a rest (or three). Love the fairy wands- I can see little fairy princesses dancing around with those! :)

  21. Whew! You have been one busy and creative soul! Wonderful.

  22. it's amazing how much you can get done without interruptions, huh?:) and time reading by the pool--priceless!

  23. You are just a busy little bee there Kathy! Which is a good thing. You make such cute stuff too.


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy