
Monday, December 17, 2012

Frosty Hat

I’ve been wanting a Frosty hat for quite awhile now and when I saw this project over at Connie’s blog, Crafty Home Cottage, I knew I could make my own, too.  So, thank you, Connie! Let me start by saying take off your rings, say goodbye to your manicure, and have fun with it!

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Here is what I used:

  • White oak tag
  • The cardboard disc from my gluten free pizza
  • The cardboard box said pizza came in
  • A brown grocery store bag
  • Mod Podge mixed with water
  • Plenty of paper towels

I don’t have pictures of each step, but I cut out the top part of the hat {the tall part} from the oak tag.  I went across the shorter side of the oak tag and actually got three pieces to make three hats.  The cardboard disc from the pizza was the perfect size for the brim area.  I traced the top of the top hat on the cardboard box and cut that out.  I taped everything with blue tape just like Connie did.

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I ripped up the grocery bag into different size pieces and dipped them in a bowl of Mod Podge mixed with water, then applied them onto the hat shape.  After saying “Ewww” a couple of times, I just went with it!  It took me about an hour to cover the whole hat.  Once it completely dried {I left it for the day}, you paint it. 

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While I had everything on hand to construct the hat, I made a trip to the dollar store to get a few decorations for the front.   I used some red ribbon that I had.


Some Epsom Salts to use as snow on the brim . . .


And I finally got my Frosty hat! 


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I had enough supplies to put together a second one, but didn’t want to spend as much time putting the paper on.  For the second one I just applied the Mod Podge to the hat and used some red tissue paper and molded it to fit.  I filled in any gabs with some torn pieces.  This one wasn’t as messy because I used a sponge brush, but I wasn’t as happy with the final outcome.

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I didn’t mess with the folds in the tissue paper because I thought it might come out looking like a fabric hat once painted.  The tissue papered hat is on the left and the ripped paper bag is on the right.


My daughter will be getting one.


I have plans to make the third one into a Mad Hatter hat for my granddaughter’s nursery.  If you recall, Alice was a theme in this room when I did it over.   That one will have to wait until I have another gluten free pizza!


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My Blogaversary giveaway ends tonight at midnight! Click here to enter.


  1. At first, I thought you bought the hat, then decorated it. Nice job putting it together, Kathy. I love it.

  2. This is so wonderful Kathy!!! I just love it ~ I'll have to pop over to your link and have a look! Wishing you a beautiful Christmas sweet friend ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  3. Oh, I love it! Definitely adding that to my list to make for next year!


  4. Oh how cute is this. I love it. So creative. Hugs, Marty

  5. you are Brilliant and massively creative.
    thanks for the fabulous tutorial~!
    love it.

  6. What a great project! It looks like a lot of fun to make and it turned out super cute!! ~ Jamie

  7. Just beautiful, you could sell them for sure and make money. Such talent.


  8. Hi Kathy, what a darling project. Thank you for sharing your talents and the steps. Love it.
    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.
    Hugs, CM

  9. WOW! So creative I would have never thought of making the hat like that. It looks great.

  10. Hats off to you Kathy! Your hats look great!

  11. That is so cute! I love frosty hats,it's great you could make two hats for very little money, My kinda project.

  12. I love the hat, Kathy! It is adorable. Happy Holidays. xx, Sherry

  13. Oh Kathy, your frosty hat is adorable! Enjoy your evening, Gail

  14. These turned out so cute! I found an inspiration top hat on pinterest that used an old vinyl record for the brim part. I pinned it and went to a local flea market this past weekend and bought one. Hope mine turns out half as good as yours did!

  15. Oh my goodness....those are the cutest hats! Frosty would be proud :)


  16. Very cool and "frosty" hat! They turned out great.

  17. FABULOUS!!!!! Pinned it for you!

  18. Kathy, This is just adorable!!! I'm bookmarking your post to make next year! You did a wonderful job and your instructions are fabulous!!! Please share this at TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS! Link goes live Wednesday's at 8:00 pm!

  19. OH I am pinning and sharing this! It's so darling. My sister has one she tops her tree with and I love it!! Merry Christmas to you :)

  20. These turned out so cute, Kathy. I like them because they're a little different, but so pretty and winter-y. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Hugs!

  21. Those are so cute!! I too, have wanted one and think I just make one for myself for next year. Darling!!


  22. Hi Kathy,
    I just found the comment that you left about my Top Hat and had to come over and see yours . . . they are wonderful!!! Thank you for telling your followers about my blog, I truly appreciate it :)
    Merry Christmas
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  23. I love the snowman hats. Very clever and they turned out great.


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy