
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Guest Post ~ Manuela From A Cultivated Nest

While I am enjoying some time away in sunny San Diego, California, my good friend, Manuela, from A Cultivated Nest, was kind enough to do this guest post for me so that I didn’t leave you with nothing this week.  Take it away, Manuela!

Easy Mirror Project For The Garden

Hi everyone! I just want to say a big thank you to Kathy for having me today!I'm Manuela and I blog over at A Cultivated Nest. I'm so thrilled to be sharing a quick and easy project with you today.

I've used mirrors in my garden for years and years. I think they're great for expanding and reflecting the view and adding just a bit of whimsy in the garden.

Here's how I made this frosted mirror for my garden.

All you need for this project is an old mirror, stencil(s) of your choice, glass frosting spray, and stencil adhesive. Be sure to do this project in a well ventilated area.


I've used all kinds of mirrors in my garden - wood framed, metal, plastic - whatever I've found at the thrift store. I would say the plastic ones last the longest. The wood framed ones last for several years before the wood starts detaching from the mirror (I live in Atlanta - mirrors may last longer or not as long depending on your climate).


1. Clean your mirror (my mirror popped out when I did that!! - so I went with it - but you can do this project with the mirror still in the frame).
2. Spray the back of your stencil with stencil adhesive
3. Lay your stencil on your mirror and make sure it's as flat as can be. Cover any areas you do not want to frost.
4. Lightly spray your glass frosting spray over your stencil in a sweeping motion. Apply in thin coats. Two passes was all I did for my mirror.
5. Remove your stencil. You can clean up any over spray with a bit of paint thinner – also rubbing alcohol on a Q-Tip or rag works as long as you do it right away before the frosting dries.
6.The frosted areas should be dry to the touch in about 15-30 minutes. Let it cure for about 7 days before placing outside.

Even though Krylon Glass Frosting spray is water resistant, I would recommend placing your frosted mirror in a somewhat protected area.


Adding a design to your mirror will help keep the birds from flying into it!
Although I did this project for my garden you can certainly do this on a mirror that you use inside your home!

Thank you, Manuela! What a great project! Your roses are gorgeous, too!



  1. i love mirrors in the garden--thanks for sharing, manuela:)

  2. I love mirrors in the garden too. It's so much fun when they reflect flowers or something pretty. Makes me want to go to the thrift store! Manuela is so smart.

  3. How fun, I love the surprise of a mirror in the garden. Hugs, Marty

  4. This mirror is a beauty. Great post, I love Manuela.


  5. Hi Kathy,
    Hi Manuela, I love mirrors in the garden and this is gorgeous. Thank you for your directions too.
    The fence display is lovely.
    XO Celestina Marie

  6. Hi Ladies~

    That looks so darling. Wonder if there's a way to use the mirror I have that is not going back up on the new siding. You're making me think!

    Off to take a look around this beautiful blog.

  7. I love it! Thanks to Manuela for sharing this project and I hope you are having an awesome vacation! HUGS!

  8. Love the mirror Manuela...!...Have a great time in San Diego Kathy....I love, love that area!!

  9. I love seeing unexpected things in the garden especially something as bright and fun as this mirror. Thanks for the idea, Manuela! Have a wonderful trip, Kathy!

  10. And once again, I leave a Manuela post thinking that Manuela's garden is better decorated than my house.

  11. Thanks everyone! To answer a few questions I've gotten - the design on the mirror should keep birds flying into it. I've never seen a bird fly into a mirror in my garden and I have them everywhere. Although I try to incorporate them into the planting area like the mirror in the post that's surrounded by roses. Also, Martha Stewart has a line of mirror/glass paint that comes in every color you can think of and you can use that for this projects as well. The cure time is 21 days for that product but it's fun to be able to have a bit more "pop" on your mirror.
    Thanks Kathy for letting me guest post! I hope you're having a great vacation!

  12. Love this idea Manuela! Thanks for posting and for the new blog to add to my read list.


  13. That does look really fun, Manuela, and it looks easy too. Thank you for the inspiration!
    Hugs, Cindy

  14. Good idea Manuela! Have fun in San Diego Kathy!

  15. I love this! I'll be keeping a lookout for mirrors now when thrifting! Thanks!~~Angela


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy