
Monday, April 15, 2013

From Plain Jane To French Flair

2013 04 08_0943

I found this very plain wood box at Salvation Army.  It looks almost like it could have been something made in a shop class in school. 

2013 04 01_0917

I thought this would be a good candidate for a makeover.  I started out by painting it with Provence chalk paint.  I added a No. 7 stencil to both sides, along with a couple of lines using flat white latex paint. 

2013 04 07_0954

On each end piece I added a fleur de lis.

2013 04 08_0945

I used a combination of clear and dark wax to finish it off.  I like the way the dark wax settled into the dings.

2013 04 08_0944

You will probably laugh at me, but I was really proud of myself for figuring out how to alter this image to use as tags for my booth. I’ve decided to call it Shabby Paris Market and my booth number is 51.  In the left corner I also added the name and location of the antique mall.  I am computer graphically challenged so this was a real accomplishment for me!


I’m going to tack this footstool onto this post, too, since I forgot to take a before picture.  It was originally a natural pine top with the white legs.

2013 04 07_0946

I just painted the top black and added the French Market stencil.

2013 04 07_0947

Two more little pieces for my booth!  These little projects are quick and easy, but I need to get some furniture going!


  1. Those are very cute projects, and I really like your cute tags. Kudos for you for figuring out how to make them. My college internship was as the graphics design assistant for the school's PR department. I only took one semester of graphic design, so I really don't know much either. They hired me because it was summer school and no one else was there to help them. Nowdays, I know enough to tinker around until I figure something out, but thankfully there are so many online tutorials today that weren't around then.

    Good luck with your new booth!

  2. Hi Kathy,
    These pieces are treasures. They are going to fly out of your booth. Love your creativity!
    Looks like you are really having fun.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning.
    Have a great Monday.
    Hugs, CM

  3. Cute and cute. I love the foot stool. I have too many of those...takes me a long time to vacuum. xo, olive

  4. These both look amazing. I think they will be fabulous in your booth. You do such good work. Hugs, Marty

  5. These are great pieces, love them both. They will sell in no time.


  6. Oh Kathy, what darling make-overs and I love your tags! Sometimes it's the little things that sell the fastest. I need to get busy working on things for my booth. I have been sick with that nasty flu bug that has made it's way through the whole family. I'm finally feeling better and getting my energy back. Enjoy your trip, Gail

  7. So pretty. I love what you did with both.

  8. Beautiful creations!!!Congratulations...

  9. Beautiful!!!
    Both pieces - but oh how that little stool sings to me!

  10. Great makeovers Kathy..Nice additions..

  11. Love your projects! Especially love the color on the first one--what fun :)

  12. I have 3 or 4 of these plain boxes. I think they were from Michael's or Joann's some years ago. You did a great job transforming it. Did you make your own stencil for the "No. 7" or is available at a store?
    Have fun in's a beautiful place to visit. (But really, I wouldn't want to live there I don't think)

  13. Love both projects Kathy! I like the name of your booth - it's perfect!
    I'm computer graphically challenged too and always have to get my daughter to do things for me :)

  14. Love the little stool! So cute! I'm computer challenged too so tell me how you altered the image!


  15. Kathy, I love the name of your booth! HOw adorable! Any time we can conquer a techie job it's reason to celebrate! You are working magic with your paintbrush!

  16. Dearest Kathy,
    You sure can pride yourself on these jobs; well done!

  17. What great transformations, Kathy! These are so pretty!

  18. The box is so cute! And, your tags are fantastic! Life to the full! Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

  19. These are too cute, Kathy! You always pick the perfect colors and stencils! Great job!


  20. Kathy, I am sure the box and the foot stool will both sell fast. They're both are super cute! Have a great time in California! ~ Jamie

  21. I love your blue tote, Kathy. It turned out great. The dark and clear wax made it perfect.

  22. Very cute! Don't you just love thrifts finds!

  23. Love your little box & stool. The box was a Home Depot kids build workshop planter. My son made one last year for Mother's Day I think.

  24. Lovely transformations - love your header and the hang tags are great!

  25. More great stuff- you're going to have fun trying to keep your booth filled, cause everything is going to fly out of there. :)


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy