
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Little Random Bits

Just some little snippets going on in my life that I am sticking together in one blog post. 

I started a part-time job this week!  It’s a bit exciting because I haven’t worked for the 2 1/2 years we’ve lived in Ohio.   It was nice to have that break, but, overall, I miss interacting with other people and I think my brain could use the stimulation.  It is as an administrative assistant for a financial planning company.


The flowers my son sent for Mother’s Day are still alive and kicking over two weeks later.  I thought that was pretty good.  Of course, the flower buds weren’t open when I got them, but still ~ over  two weeks and still looking fresh!


Memorial Day, 2014

Also, last week, I planted the urn by our garage door. This year I used cordyline, coleus, and two purple sweet potato vine plants.


The coleus has both the red of the cordyline and the purple of the sweet potato vine in it.  I think this urn will look really good once it fills in a bit.


I also am trying to get myself up to speed with photo books of my granddaughter.  I’ve had two “almost crashes” on my laptop, so I know the big one can’t be far off.  I keep all my pictures on my laptop and, even though I back-up every Sunday, I am so afraid of losing these pictures.  I have put together and ordered year two of my granddaughter and am working on putting together the photo book for year three now.

And, other than a horrible cold that I caught from said granddaughter, that’s what’s going on my way! 


  1. CONGRATS on your new job Kathy!! I love the planter...can't wait to see it in about a month!!

  2. I love it when flowers last longer than a few days or a makes you think that someone got their monies worth! You will be enjoying your lush urn before you know it. Potato plants are one of my favorites. I have a few of the chartreuse growing, now. I couldn't find any of the "blackies!"
    Good luck with your new job!

  3. Your new job sounds exciting - good for you! And, don't you just hate computer problems? You would think that they could come up with a way to make computers last forever!!

  4. Congrats on the new job. I understand needing to interact with outside people. I do volunteer work and love being around others.

  5. So how do you like the new job?! Nice to get out of the house to interact with people. Working from home, you know I can go stir crazy some days!


  6. Good luck with the new job. I would love to get out into the real world, too, but with home schooling my son I can't right now. My mother's day flowers did not last very long, it was a hydrangea plant which my husband has since planted in the yard! Your urn looks great!
    xo Kathleen

  7. Congrats on your job, and a part-time is perfect, still allows time for yourself and interest. Being retired I sure would like a part-time break from Mr. C LOL. I hope you and your granddaughter feel better!

  8. Pretty planter..good luck with Shutterfly..

  9. Congrats on your job Kathy!!!...Love the planter!

  10. Congrats on the new job Kathy! More spending money lol


  11. Hi Kathy, Congrats on the new job. Your planter looks great and will fill in really nice with those plants. Love your Mother's Day flowers. Those are the best as they last and last.
    Hope your cold gets better too.

  12. A part-time job sounds like it's perfect for you, Kathy. Congrats.

  13. Kathy, glad you like your part time job...Yep I think it is good to get out. The picture books are soooo smart. My cousin does genealogy and she said we have to have hard copies of pictures, no one can pass down a computer to the next generation. She said so much of our history is going to be lost! Good for you!!!


  14. Congrats on your new job Kathy!

  15. Congratulations Kathy! I can't believe that's it's been 2 1/2 years since your move to Ohio...where has the time gone!! Enjoy your weekend, Gail

  16. I love the sweet potato vines in the urns. The cabinet has pretty good storage. I just did a post on odor removal. xo, olive

  17. Hi Kathy! I can say you do have a lot going on. Congratulations on your new job. Your Mother's Day flowers are so petty and isn't that something they're still going strong. Your planter looks so pretty!Thanks for popping in to see my Little House. I'm trying to get settled. Have a great weekend.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. Congrats with the job!! I love coleus and all the different varieties of leaf color. Easy to grow too!!


  19. Feel better fast Kathy and best of luck in your new job- they will discover they are fortunate to have you on board!

  20. congrats on your new job, kathy! feel better!

  21. Congrats on the new job!!!

    I know what you mean about missing interacting with other people. I miss that too and once we move I'll be looking for something part-time as well.

  22. Hope you enjoy your new job, Kathy! Love all you've shared today. Have a beautiful weekend!

  23. Congrats on your new job Kathy. How exciting. Love the choices for the Urn. Very pretty. The shutterfly books for your granddaughter are so awesome. What a great idea. Have a great week end.

  24. I love the urn and the flowers you chose.

    I just tossed the flowers yesterday that my son's girlfriend gave me for Mother's Day.

  25. Kathy, Congrats on your new job and I hope you feel better soon.


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy