
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Paint Color Options ~ Master Bedroom

In keeping with my goals for 2015, I went through all my paint sample cases and fan decks to narrow down the color for the walls in our master bedroom.  The room is currently a light beige.  It gets a lot of light. 


I stuck with the Sherwin Williams samples and right now it is a choice between Blonde, Practical Beige, Bagel, Sensational Sand or Relaxed Khaki.  I’ve taken a picture of the samples to show you.


While they are all neutrals, they are all different, which makes it difficult to make a final decision.  I’ve held them up all around the bedroom and they all seem to go with everything.  I want to keep the room neutral because it allows me to change out the drapes and bed linens without having to worry about what color they are. I just want to go a little darker than what is on the walls now.

So I guess I have some thinking to do, and pretty quickly, too, since my husband is off in a couple of weeks and he said that’s when he is painting!   


  1. Such hard decisions! Can you get samples to try?

  2. They are all pretty fav is Sensational Sand. Funny your going darker and I just went lighter in our master lol!

  3. When we moved into our home, I ended up painting our bedroom a couple of times before I was satisfied with the color. I went with a darker neutral paint first, but I just did not like it much, specially with our dark furniture. You made a great selection of colors and I know your beautiful bedroom will be gorgeous when you are done. BTW, Lowe's will match for you any of the SW colors. All you have to do is bring the paint chips and they will mix it for you, always a little more economical, specially for big jobs. :)

  4. Hi Kathy! Your have a lovely bedroom and I love your pretty bed linens! It is amazing how many shades of the same color there are. Those are all pretty and I know you'll choose the perfect one for your walls.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. I used relaxed khaki in my former home and was always pleased with it. It allows any other accent color you use and plays well with whatever decor style too- in my opinion:) day and night-- it looks terrific.
    I may use it again in our new home..

  6. I like Bagel. In fact, I wish I was eating one right now. Hahahahahahahahaha! Sorry, a little I'm-freezing-my-butt-off-in-NY humor. =)


  7. I think these are all such beautiful warm rich colors, and any of them will look great in your master bedroom. Hard decision!

  8. They are great choices! I love the relaxed khaki....

  9. Oh wow, I can't wait to see which one your choose. All pretty colors.

  10. I'd say relaxed khaki or practical beige ... darker than what you have now but not too intense. More neutral than the other choices, too.

  11. I love all the colors you picked! What a tough decision. For my 2 cents worth I'll say that I love the rich color of sensational sand. But I also love the warmth of bagel.

    Good luck Kathy! Whatever you pick it will look lovely.
    PS: I love your bed & bedding!

  12. Hi Kathy, whichever you choose it will be gorgeous. I have something very close to the practical beige in our master and bath. I love it cause I can change things around and it blends with everything. Your bed and wall looks gorgeous. Have fun.

  13. Kathy we had Blonde in the old house. LOVED it and if the room gets a lot of light Mannered Gold by them is gorgeous too. Good luck with your choice.


  14. If you can get some small samples, then try painting on sheets of either poster board or foam board (cheap at Dollar Store). You'll get a better feel for the colors on wider scale. Love all your ideas!

  15. Hi Kathy,
    I'm sure that whatever color choice you make will be fabulous.
    Be sure and show us.


  16. I'm sure you'll pick the right one for you. I like the relaxed Khaki.

  17. I always find the most difficult thing to select is paint colors! I have such a hard time, and so many times several samples on the walls and cant still decide. You have some great colors to choose from. I know you'll make the best choice. Love your sign and your bedding!

  18. Beautiful Kathy....i love your bedding!

  19. such pretty colors, kathy! my husband does a lot of things--painting isn't one of them:)

  20. I am sure that you will be choosing the perfect color for your glad that your hubby will be off and using that time to paint for you!!!...Love your bedroom!...Have a great weekend!

  21. Colors are such a personal choice. The best part about painting is affordability and changeability. Easy and quick to do too. Happy Painting...

  22. They all look like great choices, Kathy. I went pretty dark in the last house, and will probably go lighter this time around. Paint colors are always so hard for me to choose, endless choices do not make it easier! I've missed checking in with you- at the library today- yay, internet. Ugh, it's an hour away! :\

  23. Choosing a paint color takes me forever. I like your choices, and how LUCKY are you to have a husband that will do the painting!!!

  24. Isn't picking out paint color the hardest??! So many choices. And who comes up with the names??? I'm leaning toward your sensational sand.

  25. I'm looking forward to seeing what you choose! I often buy small samples and paint sections of the wall, so I can see the colors in different light and times of day...they change so much. Good luck!

  26. Hi Kathy, You have picked some lovely colors....I'm horrible about making decisions takes me forever!! You have wonderful taste and I know what you decide will be beautiful! Keep us posted~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

  27. Hi Kathy,

    My advice is khaki. Come visit my aviary guest bedroom to see MY khaki walls in person.

    The blonde is soooooo gold, I don't think you will be pleased once it is up on the walls.

    It's funny. A few years ago I had my walls in the master painted darker and now I want to go lighter again. I can't believe I want to change it again but that's the way the cookie crumbles. I should probably do while things are quiet but hate to not be able to open the windows for fresh air while it is drying....and, as you well know being in a neighboring city, Baby it's COLD outside! : - )

    Good luck, stick to the greener/greyer/greige schemes and away from the warm golds and I think you will be happiest? ♥

    Don't you love my strong advice? LOL, just tell me to go jump off a cliff if you don't agree. I am a middle child and bossy by nature bwuahahaha. Hugs.

  28. They are all nice. In fact = Practical Beige looks like the color I just used in the Girl Child's room.A warm beige with a slight pink undertone is how I describe it. Anyway, I like it.The Relaxed Khaki looks like the color of my bedroom. Another winner. I'd like the Sand if it were striped -flat and eggshell say 8 or 10 inch stripes. Bagel and blonde are my least favorites.

  29. I kind of like the relaxed khaki. Although I loved the light gray I painted our masterbedroom in our old house. Choosing paint is always hard for me!


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy