
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Fan Of These Fans

I met with a client Saturday for an interior decorating consultation regarding her bathrooms.  She showed me through the rest of her home and explained how she likes a little “bling” {my word, not hers}.  We came into her living room where I saw something very much like this {in fact, this could be it}.


After seeing this I decided to see what others I could find.  While ceiling fans are not the most attractive thing you could put on your ceilings, they can serve a function. 


Ceiling fan chandelier kit from LampsPlus

Functional and pretty can be had!



I, personally, like ceiling fans and we use ours all the time.  I’d love to add a little bit of bling to the fans in the bedrooms. 


From CSN stores

What about this one in a dining room?


From Horchow

Who’d have thought you could get some bling in a ceiling fan?



  1. I love chandeliers and Santa brought me a small one for my workroom but I would love to have one of those chandy ceiling fan ones for our bedroom. We've talked about replacing the ceiling fan in there and now I am going to look for one with some bling!

  2. Nice! Being in the south, I use mine just about all year long and do not want to be without them. I am currently looking for new ceiling fans to replace the ones in my LR, DR and son's room. I do not like the ones where the light fixtures (globes) are turned down so that the bulbs are what you see and that is what came with the house. You found some pretty nice looking ones. I like the first and last ones.

    ~ Tracy

  3. I am loving the bling on the ceiling fans. We have ceiling fans in almost every room of our house and we use them all the time. They sometimes aren't the most attractive things but I like the ones you pictured.

  4. I have to say that, I'm feelin' these fans!

  5. Ceiling fans get a bad rap I think! They really are so functional...especially here in the South or in the summertime. The ones you showed really were pretty. Beauty and function? I like it!

  6. Wow, those are exquisite! Being in Southern California, we rely alot on ceiling fans and they aren't very attractive but so nice to see that there are some out there that would look lovely and serve a purpose. Thanks for sharing!!

  7. I had no idea these even existed. Loving that bling!


  8. Theres nothing wrong with a little bling, bling! LOL!

  9. Those are very cute for being ceiling fans. I have the ugliest white one in my room. Jeff refuses to give it up for a chandelier. Hmmmm...


  10. Hi Kathy,
    I didn't even know they made such lovely ceiling fan bases. How pretty.

    I think I need the one with the pink shades.


  11. Wow, I've never seen chandeliers that are part of a ceiling fan! Very cool! I wonder if the designers on Trading Spaces would still take them down? (not even sure if that show is still on the air)

  12. Now those are some ceiling fans! I would love something like those where our fans are but I wonder how much the "bling" would jingle. I have this thing where if I hear any repetitive noises in the house, it keeps me up all night like water torture so that would be my only concern - they have to make some noise, don't cha think?


  13. Kathy~ girl you know I love BLING! This is the perfect solution for my bedroom. I've been hunting for something different from the standard fan/lighting we have in the kitchen and office from Lowes. I will check these links out, thank you for the info!

    Sweet wishes,

  14. These are just gorgeous and such a great idea!

  15. I've never seen one of those in my life but, it would be the perfect compromise for the hubs and myself. That's a hoot!

  16. Those are so great looking! Thanks for the inspiration. laurie

  17. Wow, interesting ideas. We have a ceiling fan in our bedroom though I can't help but think that adding 'bling' would make it rattle and jingle as it whirls around!

  18. We use our ceiling fan every night but I have always wanted something prettier in the master bedroom. I am going online now to get some bling for my fan!

    Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comment on my numbered box and mirror. Yes, I painted right over the mirror with spray chalkboard paint. I use the chalkboard all the time and the paint adhered really well.

  19. I agree that the function of ceiling fans definitely outweigh the aesthetics! But that last one from Horchow is fabulous.


  20. I love my ceiling fans and always feel a little embarassed or put out when they say they are ugly and to get rid of them on decorating shows. I really like when the windows are open and the fan is on rather than the A/C. (We never used the A/C last summer.) I do love the fans that you have found here and would consider a change.

  21. Hi Kathy, I'm so glad you posted about this. I love antique chandeliers, but I also love having my ceiling fans, however unattractive they are! I never new there was Chandeliers that are a part of a ceiling fan! Now I can have booth beauty and comfort!!! Blessings... Daphne

  22. I love my fans and pretties hanging from them instead of the boring light kits I have now would be wonderful.. dashing off to look at the one on csn:-)
    thanks Kathy, you always do such informative posts..

    hugs and happy thoughts


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy