
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Stop Shaking My Snow Globe!

Well, Mother Nature has decided to accessorize with whites again.  We’ve been hit with our third snow storm so far and, if you know me, I’m just lovin’ it! {Not!}  Everyday since the weekend the forecast changed as to how much we were going to be getting.  Last I heard {last night} was 18 inches!


These are a few pictures I took of my yard this morning from my back door.  They look almost sepia toned because it is still snowing!


This tree looks like it was flocked it has so much snow on it. 


Stay safe, stay warm, stay home.  That’s my motto!  I’m planning on another day of creating, some cleaning and maybe a nap. 



  1. OMG, Kathy! I agree with your motto. My niece Sandra called me last night (she's in Maryland) and said they were expecting a major snow stsorm as well. I told her to stay home today but she said she had a major presentation at work. I told her it's not worth getting in an accident especially as us California gals have no clue about driving in this kind of weather!


  2. Loved the title of this post, and the snow is so beautiful! Janell

  3. Wow, I thought we had a lot, but you have topped our snowfall! Linda

  4. I'm looking forward to a day home with the boys and some crafting too! =) I don't think we got as much as you did but it's still enough to warrant a day off from the office!


  5. Yuk! I've had enough and am ready for ours to melt. The sun is out today so hopefully it will. It is very pretty but stifling. Everything here comes to a stand still. I'm ready to get back to a normal routine. Stay safe and warm!

  6. Kathy!
    Perfect motto..
    love it!
    but wrong order..
    start with MOST important stuff FIRST!..
    crawl/snuggle back in bed..
    then do whatever else you choose..
    after all, you aren't going anywhere!
    warmest hugs..

  7. I am getting covered with another blanket of snow here too! A good day to organize and bake!

  8. Loved your title! It made me giggle! Someone has been shaking the snow globe here too! I'm with you Kathy! It's a great day to cleaning and napping with some creating and maybe whipping up some cranberry scones! Stay safe and stay warm! Angie xo

  9. Hi Kathy, I know you are probably sick of the snow...but it is just beautiful!! Wow! 18 inches! We have never had that much snow here in Arkansas. Our little town would shut down for weeks!!lol...We got not quite an inch on Sunday night and the schools closed on Monday! did stick to the streets, but was melted by 10:00 am.

    Thanks for your nice compliments on my rooster plates...I actually love bunnies more than roosters. I would like to find some really cute bunny plates for spring.

    Love your little cloque with the desk and chair...too cute!! Have a great day cleaning and creating!! Kristen

  10. Hey Kathy! Well, I for one, think it's be-u-ta-full! I'm I nut, I know, but I love snow. We only got around 3 or 4 inches. I heard you guys got rocked up there. Bet your glad you don't live in Boston ~ they were supposed to get 2 feet! If nothing else, it keeps you and being creative (or in my case cleaning)!

  11. Enjoy the snow and some rest and relaxation! ((Hugs)) Liz

  12. Kathy, what beautiful pictures. We got lucky...the storm kind of missed us. We got some freezing rain with a dusting of snow. I hate the freezing rain but we didn't lose power..thank God.

    Enjoy your day,

  13. Wow ... you guys really did get blasted, didn't you? While I love the pics and would be excited to get snow, I don't know that I'd want *this* much snow! Well, I'm sure you've found some fun decorating projects to conquer while being stuck inside. Hope it all melts soon for you!

  14. Yikes, I would be staying inside too.


  15. Hi Kathy, We did get snow too! Not as much as long island.My daughter said she got a lot of snow there!She was happy to have a snow day!!Your pictures look so pretty. Stay warm.


  16. I am totally OVER it...but it sure is beautiful! Great photos! Stay warm!

    Lou Cinda

  17. I love the photo of the "flocked" tree! II am already wishing for August! Florida may not have snow, but it sure is cold. It was 35 when I left my house for work this morning! That might not sound too bad to the snow filled states, but it is to those of us who are not acclimated to weather that cold!

    ~ Tracy

  18. You must admit that it is very beautiful, though, right ;)?


I always enjoy reading your comments! Kathy