- Instead of dining where you always do, choose a new spot. Move a small table in front of the fireplace or into the center of your living room. If the weather permits where you live, go out onto a porch, patio or deck. The beauty of the out-of-doors will add an ambiance that no amount of decorating can top.
Create a romantic atmosphere with music wafting through the room. Dim the lights or turn them off, use the glow of candles to not only enhance the romance factor, but to add that attractive glow to your own face.
When setting your Valentine table, use your good linens, dishes, silverware and glasses. A small vase of flowers and candles on top of a mirror placed in the center of your table will reflect the candlelight as well as the flowers.
No fireplace, no problem. Get the "Ambient Fire: Ultimate Video Fireplace" for 10.99 at Amazon.com, with 9 different fireplace scenes to fit your mood.

- Scatter rose petals or heart-shaped confetti over the table's surface to add to the décor and romance of your meal.
Drape clear, white, or pink bead garlands in your chandelier. The clear beads will reflect the light adding that starlight quality to your surroundings.
Visit Omahasteak.com, or visit your local stores, for prepared meals that only need heating up in the oven. Or arrange for a take-out meal for two from your favorite restaurant. Not having to spend hours on preparation will allow you to have a more relaxed evening.
With everyone strapped for time (and cash) these days, you can offer your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or significant other a romantic, enjoyable, and relaxing evening. What other way to show someone you love them then to take the time to make an otherwise standard dinner a romantic affair!
Copyright 2009 Kathy Passarette, Creative Home Expressions