Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tray Chic ~ That’s Tres Chic


I got this great tray from my Mom.  She remembered that it had come to her from a gift basket type thing I sent her some time ago and that I really liked it.   Since she was clearing things up for their new kitchen cabinet install she told me I could have it.



The color is perfect as is and I love the scalloped edges.  I’d love to sit it up in a corner of my kitchen counter  and set up a nice vignette, but I only have two corners that would fit it and one is taken up by a microwave.  So, for now it is incorporated into my dining room tabletop holding my floral arrangement and bunny.



But, I do have a stencil on order that I think will be just lovely.  Can’t wait to get that and show you how it turns out!


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Customize Ready-Made

This is a picture of the window treatments I have up in my dining room during the Fall and Winter months.  The coppery orange sheers are usually closed over and I love my victory valances that I found on eBay {I think they are Waverly}. 


However, with the warmer weather coming, this gets a bit “heavy” feeling and while I could open the sheers like I did for the photo above, the walkway to my front door is right there.  I hate the idea of it being so visually open.  So, last year I bought these linen drapes and sheers from Target.


The linen panels were a great size {and $24.99 a panel} and I figured by the time I got done making my own or doing the dropcloth drapes, it would be about the same money, except I would have put more time into them.  While it was a lighter feel, it was a bit bland for me.


This year, as I took them out of storage, I decided to fix that.  After reading Sonya at Beyond the Screen Door’s blog since that time, I’ve become enamored of her window treatments and, specifically, her café style treatments.  I decided to dress up the sheers that I keep mainly for privacy.


You remember I bought this fabric above and decided I’d like to get more and use it on a screen in my living room.  Meanwhile, I still had the two yards I originally bought.  I decided that the colors worked with both these treatments and I used it for this project.  I also used another fabric I had {the Osnaberg} that matches the linen drapes and used that to make a sleeve for the tension rods that I have to use on these windows.


One of the best things I did was the sleeve for the tension rod!  Let’s face it ~ these things are ugly, but sometimes certain windows call for them when a regular rod can’t be used.  


I used my living room windows {which are the same as the dining room windows} as my “mannequin” and put the panel I was experimenting on up so I could see how it would look.  I liked it okay, but wanted to add a little more "oomph” and whimsy; you know, make it a little more fun.


I wanted to incorporate another fabric into this mix and none of the fabric in my stash either worked or I didn’t have enough.   I decided to go with an animal print I found at Joann’s.  This must be from a zeraffapard {a mix between a zebra, giraffe and leopard}!  It has all three in the fabric and I used just a bit of this to make a ruffle. 

I also bought some new trim because what I had on hand just didn’t work with these colors, although I could have left it off altogether.  I pinned the trim pieces to two of the panels to see which I liked better.  I do like them both, but I think the wider trim hides more of my sins, so to speak.


This one {below} is actually two trims ~ a small pompom and a flat trim.


I used this fabric glue to adhere the trim.


Here is my finished look!  Sorry about the sun ~ it makes taking pictures of the window very difficult.





I’m so glad there were only three!  But now I’m wondering about those linen panels . . .

Linking up with:

Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps On The Porch

All Things Inspired at All Things Heart and Home

Frugalicious Friday at Finding Fabulous

Weekend Wrap Up at Tatertots and Jello

Slipcovers & Curtains Party at It’s So Very Cheri


Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Winner is . . .

What a fantastic turn out for the giveaway!  I have loved reading how much others love fabric as much as I do, and thank you for sharing your favorites and plans for your projects.  I want to thank for doing this giveaway and it’s great to see they have so many fans like me.

This is even more difficult than past giveaways as there were so many entries; I know it sounds cliché to say I wish I could give out more than one, but I truly wish I could.  However, there can be only one winner and after punching the numbers into, the winner is . . .

#29 SheilaG

Sheila doesn’t have a blog, but does have a profile and follows lots of blogs!

Sheila, I have emailed you and if you could just respond with your full name, I will send that right onto


Friday, March 25, 2011

Some Randomness & A Sneak Peek

Just some random pictures from last weekend and yesterday.    I got this great tassel from Kristen of Kristen’s Creations.  A nice coincidence is that the tassel colors match my foyer lamp!



I got a set of nests and eggs from Target and I stuck one in my dining room centerpiece.   Thanks to Kristi at The Speckled Dog for that tip on where to find the nests and eggs set!


I showed you what my daughter got at our trip to the thrift store last week.  This is the only thing I came away with that day.  I was happy enough for $2.99.


Yesterday morning I woke up to this.  I’m sure you know my feelings about it.  The early hour and the cloudiness makes these pictures look this way.




The only good thing is that by the time I got home after 5:00, it was basically gone.

Here is a sneak peek of what I’m hoping to finish up this weekend.



Finally, my giveaway ends tonight, so if you haven’t entered yet, make sure you get your name in the hat before 11:00 p.m. EST.  I’ll be announcing the winner either Saturday night or Sunday morning.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bunny Parade

I think I did a post last year {or the year before} where I shared some of my bunnies.  I am a bunny nut and have them throughout my house.  As other bunny connoisseurs know, your bunnies have to have a certain look about them.   I think I have some I haven’t shown you before, so here is my bunny parade!

This little guy sits on my desk and holds my pens at the ready!  I love this bunny; he has a basket on each side and I keep my highlighters and pencils on the other side.


My bunny tray over my desk.


This is a bunny I keep out all year round.  He just moves between the living room and dining room depending on my mood.


This bunny is out for Easter.


My bunny bookends.


I’ve shown this off before ~ this is on my entry chest.  A reading bunny and a bunny print I got and framed.


Bunnies on fabric . . .


which is on a pillow that I bought from Rhonda at Blue Creek Home.


Another bunny that’s come out for Easter.


One of three stuffed bunnies I have.  She needs a new dress {something more 2011}  and I don’t think I’ll be able to do it, so I’m considering my options. 


A notepad bunny {which actually hangs on our old phone jack}.  The last time I showed this I think a lot of you thought it was a toilet paper holder!


My scissor bunny in my craft area.


Our bunny key holder.  I’ll bet I forgot one or two, but those are my bunnies on parade!


Don’t forget to enter my giveaway!  It ends Friday night!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Skirted Table And Rose Lampshade

I’ve got some completed projects to show you today.  You may recall I showed you this


and this


from this post.

The lampshade of roses started out with these supplies.  {Here is a link to the post}.



A few other things were picked up and done along the way.  Finally, here is the finished table and lamp, as well as the rest of my granddaughter’s little nursery area.  





My daughter had said she might like to paint the wicker dresser {to the right in the picture above} Heirloom White, so we may tackle that when it warms up a bit more.

Don’t forget my giveaway!  Ends Friday night!


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