Just in time for Mother’s Day, too! My last one from the first batch sold out last week. I was getting a little flustered trying to get these done in time to have them in my Etsy shop, but there is no rushing these!
I planned out my ideas for how I wanted to lay out the pages on these (makes it easier to sew that way!) as far as embellishments, pockets, etc.
This is the first of the new batch! I have seven more that need to be put together. I should have them done and in the shop over the next 7-10 days.
I think these would make lovely Mother’s Day gifts. They are the perfect size to fit in a pocketbook, glove compartment, desk, suitcase, tote or even just to use at home. I keep mine on my sewing room table.
Some of these are just a tad bigger than the first batch, but have images just as cute. Different images from the first batch (except for the one, which is left over from the first batch). And, like the first group, each one is “One Of A Kind” with its own combination of fabrics, buttons and embellishments.
So I hope you will head over to my Etsy shop and check them out. While you are there, I have a bunch of other items that would make lovely gifts for Mom!
Updated: All three shown here have SOLD! Thank you so much!
I better get going on the others that are waiting to be put together!