I usually wait until Mother’s Day weekend passes before I purchase and plant anything. This year, there was a frost warning for two nights past Mother’s Day so I got a little bit of a late start. I finally made it to Lowe’s last week and got some plants for the urns by our garage door and front door.

Last year I used coleus by the garage door in a variety of colors as well as some other trailing plants. Those plants got huge and grew wonderfully in our hot and humid summer last year. Plus, keeping flowers away from the door keeps us from having to dodge bees, but I still get color. This year I planted one particular coleus ~ a purple and chartreuse color, along with some potato vine.

For the urn by our front door {same bee thing} I also planted a pot with two different colors of coleus. Last year I had a fern here, which did well, but I kept brushing into it and getting fronds in our entry. I also planted up an extra hanging pot I had in the garage with more coleus and potato vine.

It would probably be nice if I took the sticker off that pot or, at the every least, turn it around. I do expect the potato vine to grown down nicely and cover most of that pot. I also got two daisy plants and two salvias to fill in some blank spots in the front. The azaleas, phlox and liriope were already planted here when we moved in.

Split a piece off this hosta

and put it here, since it seemed like it was an awkward spot with no plants. The hosta was here when we moved in and I put the three hydrangeas in last year. I was surprised, and relieved, that they survived the Summer last year. Of course, I was out there with a bucket of water every. single. day.

I have a few more free spots that I can put some plants in without overcrowding things. I would like to get a rose bush in, as I miss my roses and hydrangeas from our old house. Since I’ve been coveting my neighbor across the ways lilacs, I think I’m going to see if I can’t fit in a lilac by the guest bedroom window. I’ll bet that would smell wonderful when the windows are open.

So, not a lot of gardening going on, but enough for me to handle, at this point in my life. I can live vicariously through my daughter and son-in-law on the big projects {and not have the aches and sore muscles}!