I had good intentions of painting a table after another snowstorm came through Ohio. I just forgot to pick up paint brushes! So, I decided to put some energy, that actually decided to show up, into action by making a Gluten Free Shortbread Cookie mix I picked up a few weeks ago. I am not a baker, by any means, so I like the convenience of these types of mixes.

I love Shortbread cookies, plain to some, but they are made with a stick and a half of butter so they do have a buttery taste to them. I used the Gluten Free Bob’s Red Mill Shortbread Cookie Mix. I find these mixes convenient and they taste really good. I made the Gluten Free Cornbread mix and we’ve also used the Gluten Free Pizza Dough mix. Both are very good. The pizza dough requires a little work {like the shortbread cookie mix}, but the cornbread mix is very simple.

I followed the directions on preparing the cookie mix, rolled out the dough as instructed and used a heart shape cookie cutter that I’ve had for years.

I know a lot of bloggy buddies have recently had to go gluten free and, believe me, I know how difficult this can be after you’ve eaten “normal” or “regular” food for over 40 years. Here are some of my favorite gluten free foods that actually taste good. My “go-to” breads are by Udis.

Most gluten free breads that are pre-packaged {like a regular loaf of bread} are quite small. I liken it to having a tea sandwich for lunch. The Udi’s white bread is the best tasting I have found over the past five years of looking. The bagels and cheese pizza are also very good. I toast all the gluten free bread I eat. It is the only way I can eat it.

The next brand I like is for breakfast on-the-go and snacks from Glutino. The pretzels are pretty close to regular ones {and my non-gluten free granddaughter loves them, too}, the breakfast bars {like Nutri-grain bars} and pop tarts. With the gluten free pop tarts you only get one in a package, which can be a plus if you are doing portion control.

With cold Winters, I was really missing soups. Last year I found soups by Gluten Free Café by Health Valley. I find this soup at a local health food store, but I believe I saw Kroger had them recently.

I love pasta! The best pasta I have had, to date, is Organic Gluten Free by bionaturae. They have spaghetti, elbows, fusilli, and penne that I have seen and tried. I use the Udi’s French Bread loaves when I want to add some garlic bread to a pasta meal.

Of course, there are some companies that are naturally gluten free like the Chex cereals. I always have a couple of boxes of them in our pantry.

You can find a lot of these gluten free foods online, too, but the shipping can be exorbitant, so I stick to local stores. Thankfully, they are a lot better than they were five years ago.

Back to the cookies, I went a little too thin on rolling out the dough in some areas and a few of the cookies got a little too brown, but I will still enjoy them. I got 18-24 cookies out of this and my husband even ate some.

So while I’m not the best baker in the world, sometimes I have to force myself to try something new, otherwise I won’t get to eat it!
I have not been compensated in any way by the companies listed here. This is just my honest opinion on food that has had to become a part of my diet from dealing with Celiac Disease.