Tuesday, July 14, 2009

~ July Giveaway #2 ~

Remember these pretty storage boxes I picked up and I said I didn't find anything to go in them? Well, this really nice company {Prime-Line Products in California} sent me these wall protectors, which I've split into two sets of 6. One set I'm going to hold onto for now for a future giveaway, but one set of 6 is going into one of these boxes as GIVEAWAY #2!

Top view

I am doing this for a couple of reasons. One, while I know that once you actually use these protectors {they have saved a few doorknobs from going through my walls} you will love them and, two, I also realize that they aren't the snazzy giveaway item you are all used to. Plus, who knows, there may be one really creative individual out there who sees them being used in another way.

Side view

Remember, you can paint these disks so they blend in with your wall, and they are so much better than having a door stop screwed into your floor molding, or the door itself, to prevent the knob from causing damage.

All you have to do to enter to win these pretty storage boxes AND set of 6 wall protectors is leave a comment. That's it.
This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only {sorry my Canadian friends; I'm paying shipping} and will end on Thursday, July 16th, at midnight. I will announce the winner on Friday, July 17th, using a random number generator.


Nancy said...

Good Morning Kathy,

I love those decorative boxes!! I know from experience how well those wall protectors work!! Please enter me and have a great week!!

Anonymous said...

I remember your pictures of the those boxes. I (HEART) them. I just noticed a rather large dent in the drywall on our bedroom from a door knob. I need those protectors. Thanks for sharing.


Alyssa said...

the boxes are so pretty...and we're moving into a new home so the wall protectors would be awesome! Please enter me to win!

Unknown said...

The boxes are pretty!! We just did some remodeling in our home, the protectors would be great!

lavery328 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Oooh, pretty boxes.

Yes, I would love to have those door protectors. Thanks to my little ones and missing door stops (from last paint job) I have some spaces that obviously need the protectors.

Thanks for entering me!

Alluring Interiors said...

Congrats to the winner of this fabulous prize...Not only is the box gorgeous but the content is so useful! Great idea, Kathy!

Decor mamma said...

Great decorative boxes...I'd love to win those! And the wall protectors...well, my husband would love to win those!! Oh, while I'm here...check out my new blog as I'm desperately seeking stylish followers like yourself!

Thanks for the entry...I hope I'm not too late!

Anonymous said...

I have an idea of what to do with the door stoppers. I won't share unless I win! :)


Debie Napoleon said...

I love the boxes, but the door protectors - cool idea! Need to get some (should I not win - which I never do!)

Donna, The Decorated House said...

Almost missed the GiveAway!??
I was so sure I left a comment.
Hope your week is going great!

Unknown said...

Great giveaway. Definitely things i can use!

-Mandie P.

Carolyn G said...

Those are great. I could use these since my doorknobs are always bouncing off the walls.

Anonymous said...

Although the door stoppers are great..those boxes are adorable and would give any room a little extra charm.So I'm with the boxes all the way.

Maria Killam said...

Hey I'm having a giveaway too!! Might as well come over and get into the action! Love these boxes!

Maria Killam said...

Wall protectors, what a great idea. I have never seen those before!!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Thanks Maria!

I use these in my home, and believe me, they have saved a wall or two!

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